Friday, February 21, 2025


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FIA 2014 Athens

FIA 2014

NITlab team attended FIA 2014 in Athens, Greece, March 16th - 21th 2014.

Kostas Choumas presented SmartFIRE project (poster) and Nikos Makris presented FLEX project (poster).

Harris Niavis and Giannis Igoumenos participated in OpenLab booth, presenting OpenLab research project and giving a live demonstration of the NITOS uncontrolled mobility testbed (poster).

Stratos Keranidis and Virgilios Passas participated in CREW booth, giving a live demonstration of the NITOS Online Monitoring Framework for evaluating and characterizing the power consumption of cognitive platforms (poster).

Dimitris Giatsios attended the FIBRE booth, where apart from an overview of the project activities, a demo of Bandwidth on Demand services through an OpenFlow-based infrastructure was presented.

OpenLab-FIBRE booth OpenLab booth

crew booth