Thursday, February 20, 2025


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NITOS gains gold label in FIWARE Recognition & Reward Programme NITOS was awarded with the Gold label under the FIWARE Recognition & Reward Programme.
Networks Laboratory of UTH is recognized for its international research activities The Greek Ministry of Education highly recognizes the Networks Laboratory of UTH for its research achievements and its international presence. The Academic and Research Excellence initiative has prepared a related video.
GEANT connectivity NITOS is now connected with the pan-European research and education network (GEANT).
FLEX kickoff meeting The kickoff meeting of FLEX project was organized by University of Thessaly, in Volos, Greece on the 27th - 28th of January 2014!

NITlab - Network Implementation Testbed Laboratory

Network Implementation Testbed Laboratory

Welcome to the Network Implementation Testbed Laboratory of the Computer and Communication Engineering Department at University of Thessaly. NITLab is also affiliated with the Centre for Research & Technology Hellas (CERTH). The research of the lab focuses on the design, study and implementation of wireless schemes and their performance in the real environment. In this context, NITLab has developed a testbed named NITOS, which stands for Network Implementation Testbed using Open Source platforms.

NITOS testbed currently consists of 100 operational wireless nodes, which are based on commercial Wifi cards and Linux open source drivers. The testbed is designed to achieve reproducibility of experimentation, while also supporting evaluation of protocols and applications in real world settings. NITOS testbed is deployed at the exterior of the University of Thessaly (UTH) campus building.

The control and management of the tesbed is done using the cOntrol and Management Framework (OMF) open-source software. Users can perform their experiments by reserving slices (nodes, frequency spectrum) of the testbed through NITOS scheduler, that together with OMF management framework, support ease of use for experimentation and code development.

The NITOS platform is open to any researchers who would like to test their protocols in a real-life wireless network. They are given the opportunity to implement their protocols and study their behavior in a custom tailor-made environment. NITLab is constantly in the process of extending its Testbed capabilities.



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FIA 2014 Athens

NITlab team attended FIA 2014 in Athens, Greece, March 16th - 21th 2014. Kostas Choumas presented SmartFIRE project (poster) and Nikos Makris presented FLEX project (poster). Harris Niavis and Giannis Igoumenos participated in OpenLab booth, presenting...

ICT 2013 in Vilnius

NITlab members Stratos Keranidis, Dimitris Giatsios and Giannis Kazdaridis attended ICT 2013 in Vilnius, Lithuania, November 6th - 8th 2013. Stratos Keranidis participated in the CREW booth, giving a live demonstration of the NITOS Online Monitoring Framework for evaluating and characterizing the power consumption of cognitive platforms. Dimitris Giatsios presented FIBRE research project...

Mobicom 2013 in Miami

NITlab members Stratos Keranidis and Giannis Kazdaridis attended MobiCom and WiNTECH 2013 in Miami, Florida, USA, between Sept. 30 and Oct. 4 2013. Stratos Keranidis presented NITOS Energy Consumption Monitoring Framework (NITOS EMF) in WiNTECH workshop and also a live demonstration...


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