Thursday, February 20, 2025


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NITlab Chassis Manager Card old version


Chassis Manager Card


NITLAB designed and implemented a Chassis Manager(CM) card to control and monitor NITOS nodes. CM card is comprised of a general-purpose microcontroller, an ethernet microcontroller and a relays circuit. General-purpose microcontroller supports a tiny web server and can serve http requests such as power on/off and reset. Furthermore, it returns the operation status of the node and can support a temperature & humidity sensor and a light sensor as well.

It should be highlited that the developed CM Card is based on the open-source AVR microcontroller board provided by tuxgraphics. Tuxgraphics also provides a basic firmware with a WebServer implementation through which is feasible to control remotely microcontroller's I/O pins.

You can watch a demonstration video here.

Prototype Technical Information:



Relays Circuit Schematic (designed and implemented by NITlab):
relays circuit


This circuit is been implemented on the empty edge of CM card and is been connected with the microcontroller.


Microcontroller Circuit Schematic (as provided by tuxgraphics):






Temperature & Humidity sensor:


Light sensor:





More photos:


NITOS CM cards - NITLAB - wireless testbed




cm cards nitos 2

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