Thursday, February 20, 2025


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Below, you can find a list with the publications of our group. You can either select to read the abstracts, download the presentations or the pdf versions for each one of the publications.



  1. G. Paschos, L. Chih-Ping, E. Modiano, K. Choumas and T. Korakis, "In-network Congestion Control for Multirate Multicast", IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, to be published.
  2. K. Katsalis, G.S. Paschos, Y. Viniotis and L. Tassiulas, "CPU Provisioning Algorithms for Service Differentiation in Cloud-Based Environments", Transactions on Network and Service Management, IEEE , vol.12, no.1, pp.61,74, March 2015 [ABSTRACT] [PAPER]
  3. S. Keranidis, G. Kazdaridis, V. Passas, T. Korakis, I. Koutsopoulos and L. Tassiulas, "NITOS Energy Monitoring Framework: Real time Power Monitoring in Experimental Wireless Network Deployments", ACM Mobile Computing and Communications Review (MC2R), Special issue, January 2014. [ABSTRACT] [PAPER]
  4. S. Keranidis, D. Giatsios, T. Korakis, I. Koutsopoulos, L. Tassiulas, T. Rakotoarivelo, M. Ott and T. Parmentelat, "Experimentation on end-to-end performance aware algorithms in the federated environment of the heterogeneous PlanetLab and NITOS testbeds", Elsevier Computer Networks, Special issue on Future Internet Testbeds, 2013. [ABSTRACT] [PAPER]
  5. K. Choumas, S. Keranidis, T. Korakis, I. Koutsopoulos, L. Tassiulas, F. Juraschek, M. Günes, E. Baccelli, P. Misiorek, A. Szwabe, T. Salonidis and H. Lundgren, "Optimization driven Multi-Hop Network Design and Experimentation: The Approach of the FP7 Project OPNEX", IEEE Communications Magazine, Radio Communication Series, June 2012. [ABSTRACT] [PAPER]
  6. G. D. Stasi, R.Bifulco, S. Avallone, R. Canonico, A. Apostolaras, N. Giallelis, T. Korakis and L. Tassiulas, "Interconnection of geographically distributed wireless mesh testbeds: resource sharing on a large scale", AdHoc Networks Journal by Elsevier. [ABSTRACT] [PAPER]


Book Chapter

  1. D. Giatsios, A. Apostolaras, T. Korakis  and L. Tassiulas, "Methodology and Tools for Measurements on Wireless Testbeds: The NITOS Approach", Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), vol. 7586 2013. [ABSTRACT] [PAPER]



  1. K. Choumas, G. Paschos, T. Korakis and L. Tassiulas, "Distributed Load Shedding with Minimum Energy", to be presented in IEEE INFOCOM 2016, San Francisco, CA, USA, 10 - 15 April 2016. 
  2. K. Choumas, T. Korakis, H. Lee, D. Kim, J. Suh, T. Kwon, P. Martinez-Julia, A. Skarmeta, T. You, L. Baron, S. Fdida and J. Kim, "Enabling SDN Experimentation with Wired and Wireless Resources: The SmartFIRE facility", in the proceedings of CloudComp, Daejeon, South Korea, 28 - 29 October 2015. [ABSTRACT] [PAPER] (Best paper Award)
  3. D. Stavropoulos, G. Kazdaridis, N. Makris, H. Niavis, I. Igoumenos, T. Korakis and L. Tassiulas, "Enabling experimentation in mobile sensing scenarios through 4G networks: the NITOS approach", in the proceedings of EuCNC, Paris, France, 29 June - 2 July 2015. [ABSTRACT] [PAPER]
  4. K. Katsalis, K. Choumas, T. Korakis and L. Tassiulas, "Virtual 802.11 Wireless Networks with Guaranteed Throughout Sharing", to be presented in IEEE ISCC 2015, Larnaca, Cyprus, 06 - 09 July 2015. [ABSTRACT] [PAPER]
  5. K. Choumas, N. Makris, T. Korakis, L. Tassiulas and M. Ott, "Testbed Innovations for Experimenting with Wired and Wireless Software Defined Networks", in the proceedings of the CNERT 2015 workshop of IEEE ICDCS 2015, Columbus, Ohio, USA, 29 June - 2 July 2015. [ABSTRACT] [PAPER]
  6. A. Apostolaras, N. Nikaein, R. Knopp, A. Cipriano, T. Korakis, I. Koutsopoulos and L. Tassiulas, "Evolved User Equipment for Collaborative Wireless Backhauling in Next Generation Cellular Networks", in the proceedings of IEEE SECON, Seattle, WA, USA, 22-25 June 2015. [ABSTRACT] [PAPER] [PRESENTATION]
  7. D. Stavropoulos, A. Dadoukis, T. Rakotoarivelo, M. Ott, T. Korakis and L. Tassiulas, "Design, Architecture and Implementation of a Resource Discovery, Reservation and Provisioning Framework for Testbeds", to be presented in WINMEE, Bombay, India, May 25 2015. [ABSTRACT] [PAPER]
  8. K.Katsalis, V.Sourlas, T. Papaioannou, T. Korakis, L. Tassiulas, "Content Placement in Heterogeneous End-to-End Virtual Networks", in the proceedings of ACM/SIGAPP Symposium On Applied Computing, Salamanca, Spain, 13-17 April, 2015 [ABSTRACT] [PAPER]
  9. N. Makris, Ch. Zarafetas, S. Kechagias, T. Korakis, I. Seskar and L. Tassiulas, "Enabling Open Access to LTE network components; the NITOS testbed paradigm, in the proceedings of IEEE Soft5G, London, 17 April 2015. [ABSTRACT] [PAPER]
  10. I. Syrigos, S. Keranidis, T. Korakis and C. Dovrolis, "Enabling Wireless LAN Troubleshooting", in the proceedings of Passive and Active Measurement (PAM), New York, USA, 19-20 March 2015. 
  11. A. Apostolaras, G. Iosifidis, K. Chounos, T. Korakis, L. Tassiulas, "C2M: Mobile Data Offloading to Mesh Networks", in the proceedings of IEEE GLOBECOM 2014, Austin, TX, USA, 8-12 December 2014. [ABSTRACT][PAPER]
  12. S. Fdida, T. Korakis, H. Niavis, S. Salsano, G. Siracusano, "The EXPRESS SDN Experiment in the OpenLab Large Scale Shared Experimental Facility", in the proceedings of SDN & NFV – The Next Generation of Computational Infrastructure, Lomonosov Moscow State University, 27-29 October 2014 [ABSTRACT] [PAPER][PRESENTATION]
  13. S. Keranidis, V. Passas, K. Chounos, W. Liu, T. Korakis, I. Koutsopoulos, I. Moerman, L. Tassiulas, "Online Assessment of Sensing Performance in Experimental Spectrum Sensing Platforms", in the Proceedings of ACM WinTech 2014, ACM Mobicom 2014, Maui, Hawaii, 7 September 2014. [ABSTRACT][PRESENTATION][PAPER]
  14. V. Passas, N. Makris, S. Keranidis, T. Korakis, L. Tassiulas, "Towards the efficient performance of LTE-A systems: Implementing a Cell Planning framework based on Cognitive Sensing", in the proceedings of IEEE International Workshop on Cognitive Cellular Systems, Rhine River, Germany, 2-4 September 2014. [ABSTRACT] [PAPER]
  15. G. Kazdaridis, D. Stavropoulos, V. Maglogiannis, T. Korakis, S. Lalis, L. Tassiulas, "NITOS BikesNet: Enabling Mobile Sensing Experiments through the OMF Framework in a city-wide environment", in the proceedings of IEEE MDM 2014, Brisbane, Australia, 15-18 July 2014. [ABSTRACT] [PRESENTATION] [PAPER]
  16. S. Keranidis, G. Kazdaridis, N. Makris, T. Korakis, I. Koutsopoulos, L. Tassiulas, "Experimental Evaluation and Comparative Study on Energy Efficiency of the Evolving IEEE 802.11 Standards ", in the proceedings of ACM e-Energy 2014, Oxford, UK, 11-13 June 2014. [ABSTRACT] [PRESENTATION]  [PAPER]
  17. K. Choumas, I. Syrigos, T. Korakis and L. Tassiulas, "Video-aware Multicast Opportunistic Routing over 802.11 mesh networks", in the proceedings of IEEE SECON 2014, Singapore, Singapore, 30 June - 3 July 2014. [ABSTRACT] [PRESENTATION] [PAPER]
  18. I. Machado, L. Ciuffo, D. Marques, T. Salmito, M. Stanton, A. Abelem, J. Rezende, M. Salvador, S. Sallent, L. Bergesio, S. Fdida, M. Channegowda, L. Tassiulas and D. Giatsios, "Building an infrastructure for experimentation between Brazil and Europe to enhance research collaboration in future Internet", in the proceedings of TERENA Networking Conference, Dublin, Ireland, April 2014 [ABSTRACT] [PAPER]
  19. N. Makris, T. Korakis, D. Katsaros and L. Tassiulas, "Enabling ITS Real World Experimentation in NITOS Future Internet facility", in the proceedings of IEEE/IFIP WONS 2014, Obergurgl, Austria, 2-4 April 2014. [ABSTRACT] [PAPER]
  20. H. Niavis, K. Choumas, G. Iosifidis, T. Korakis and L. Tassiulas, "Auction-based Scheduling of Wireless Testbed Resources", in the proceedings of IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), Instanbul, Turkey, 6 - 9 April 2014. [ABSTRACT][PAPER]
  21. M. Hadef, A. Apostolaras, J. O'Reilly, A. Mourad, B. Mouhouche, I. Koutsopoulos, T. Korakis and L. Tassiulas, "Energy Aware Buffer Aided Cooperative Relay Selection", in the proceedings of IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), Instanbul, Turkey, 6 - 9 April 2014. [ABSTRACT][PAPER]
  22. M. Hadef, A. Apostolaras, J. O'Reilly, A. Mourad and B. Mouhouche, "Cooperative Multicast Resource Allocation Strategy", in the proceedings of IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), Instanbul, Turkey, 6 - 9 April 2014. [ABSTRACT][PAPER]
  23. G. Paschos, C. Li, E. Modiano, K. Choumas and T. Korakis, "Multirate Multicast: Optimal Algorithms and Implementation", in the proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM, Toronto, Canada, 27 April - 2 May 2014. [ABSTRACT][PAPER]
  24. K.Pechlivanidou, K. Katsalis, I. Igoumenos, D. Katsaros, T.Korakis, L.Tassiulas, "NITOS Testbed: A Cloud based Wireless Experimentation Facility", FIDC Workshop, 2014 [ABSTRACT] [PAPER]
  25. A.Tzanakaki,M. P. Anastasopoulos, G. Landi, G. Bernini, N. Ciulli, S.Peng, B. Rahimzadeh Rofoee, Y. Yan, D. Simeonidou, J. Ferrer Riera, E. Escalona, J. A. García-Espín, K. Katsalis, T. Korakis, "Planning of Dynamic Mobile Optical Virtual Network Infrastructures Supporting Cloud Services", EuCNC 2014 [ABSTRACT] [PAPER]
  26. A.Tzanakaki,M. P. Anastasopoulos, G. Landi, G. Bernini, N. Ciulli, S.Peng, B. Rahimzadeh Rofoee, Y. Yan, D. Simeonidou, J. Ferrer Riera,E. Escalona, J. A. García-Espín, K. Katsalis, T. Korakis,"Wireless and wired network convergence in support of cloud and mobile cloud services: The CONTENT Approach", EW2014 [ABSTRACT] [PAPER]
  27. A.Tzanakaki,M. P. Anastasopoulos, G. Landi, G. Bernini, N. Ciulli, S. Peng, B. Rahimzadeh Rofoee, Y. Yan, D. Simeonidou, J. Ferrer Riera, E. Escalona, J. A. García-Espín, K. Katsalis, T. Korakis “A Converged Network Architecture for Energy Efficient Mobile Cloud Computing”, ONDM, 2014 [ABSTRACT] [PAPER]
  28. K.Katsalis, V.Sourlas, T. Korakis, L. Tassiulas, "A Cloud-based Content Replication Framework Over Multi-Domain Environments", ICC, Next-Generation Networking Symposium (NGN), IEEE, 2014 [ABSTRACT] [PAPER]
  29. K. Katsalis, T. Korakis, G. Landi, G. Bernini, B. R. Rofoee, S. Peng, M. Anastasopoulos, A. Tzanakaki, D. Christofi, M. Georgiades, R. Larsen, J. F. Riera, E. Escalona, J. A. G. -Espin, "CONTENT Project: Considerations towards a Cloud-based Internetworking Paradigm", Software Defined Networks for Future Nerworks and Services (SDN4FNS), IEEE, 2013. [ABSTRACT][PAPER]
  30. S. Keranidis, G. Kazdaridis, V. Passas, T. Korakis, I. Koutsopoulos, L. Tassiulas, "Online Energy Consumption Monitoring of Wireless Testbed Infrastructure through the NITOS EMF Framework" (Best Paper Award) , in the proceedings of ACM WinTech 2013, ACM Mobicom 2013, Miami, Florida, 30 September 2013. [ABSTRACT][PRESENTATION] [PAPER]
  31. I. Haratcherev, M. Meo, Y. Zhang, Y. Hu, A. Conte, F. Idzikowski, L. Budzisz, F. Ganji, R. Bolla, O. Jaramildo Ortiz, R. Bruschi, A. Cianfrani, L. Chiaraviglio, A. Coiro, R. Gonzales, C. Guerrero, E. Ego, F. Matera, S. Keranidis, G. Kazdaridis and T. Korakis, "The TREND Experimental Activities on “green” Communication Networks", in the proceedings of the 24th Tyrrhenian International Workshop on Digital Communications (TIWDC), Genoa, Italy, September 2013. [ABSTRACT][PAPER]
  32. F. Fund, T. Korakis and S. S. Panwar, "Implementation of a Protocol for Cooperative Packet Recovery Over Hybrid Networks", in the proceedings of ACM WinTech, Mobicom 2013, Miami, Florida, 30 September 2013. [ABSTRACT][PAPER]
  33. K. Choumas, N. Makris, T. Korakis, L. Tassiulas and M. Ott, "Exploiting Openflow Resources towards a CCLAN", in the proceedings of the 2nd European Workshop on Software Defined Networking (EWSDN), Berlin, Germany, 10-11 October 2013. [ABSTRACT][PAPER]
  34. A. Apostolaras, K. Choumas, I. Syrigos, I. Koutsopoulos, T. Korakis, A. Argyriou and L. Tassiulas, "On the Implementation of Relaying Selection Strategies for a Cooperative Diamond Network", in the proceedings of the 24th Annual Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Radio Mobile Communications (PIMRC), London, UK, 8 - 11 September 2013. [ABSTRACT] [PRESENTATION][PAPER]
  35. F. Fund, C. Wang, T. Korakis, M. Zink and S. Panwar, "GENI WiMAX Performance: Evaluation and Comparison of Two Campus Testbeds", in the proceedings of the Second GENI Research and Education Experiment Workshop (GREE2013), Salt Lake City, Utah, 21 - 22 March 2013. [ABSTRACT][PAPER]  (Best Paper Award)
  36. M. Hadef, A. Apostolaras, A. Mourad, J. Oreilly, I. Koutsopoulos, T. Korakis and L. Tassiulas, "Energy Efficiency Performance Evaluation of Back-Presure Driven Cooperative Relay Selection for WiMAX Systems", in the proceedings of EMUTools 2013 Workshop, Cannes March 5-7, 2013. [ABSTRACT][PAPER]
  37. D. Syrivelis, G. Parisis, D. Trossen, P. Flegkas, V. Sourlas, T. Korakis and L. Tassiulas, "Pursuing a Software-Defined Information-Centric Network", in European Workshop on Software Defined Networks, Darmstadt, Germany, December 2012 [ABSTRACT][PRESENTATION][PAPER]
  38. S. Keranidis, W. Liu, M. Mehari, P. Becue, S. Bouckaert, I. Moerman, T. Korakis, I. Koutsopoulos and L. Tassiulas, "CONCRETE: A benchmarking framework to CONtrol and Classify REpeatable Testbed Experiments", in FIRE Engineering Workshop 2012, Gent, Belgium, November 2012. [ABSTRACT][PRESENTATION][PAPER]
  39. W. Liu, M. Mehari, S. Bouckaert, I. Moerman, S. Keranidis, P. V. Wesemael, S. Pollin, T. Korakis and I. Koutsopoulos, "A Benchmarking Framework for Easy and Reliable Wireless Experimentations", in FIRE Engineering Workshop 2012, Gent, Belgium, November 2012. [ABSTRACT][PRESENTATION][PAPER]
  40. W. Liu, S. Keranidis, M. Mehari, J. V. Gerwen, S. Bouckaert, O. Yaron and I. Moerman, "Various Detection Techniques and Platforms for Monitoring Interference Condition in a Wireless Testbed", in LNCS of the Workshop in Measurement and Measurement Tools 2012, Aalborg, Denmark, May 2012. [ABSTRACT][PAPER]
  41. S. Keranidis, D. Giatsios, T. Korakis, I. Koutsopoulos, L. Tassiulas, T. Rakotoarivelo and T. Parmentelat, "Experimentation in Heterogeneous European Testbeds through the Onelab Facility: The case of PlanetLab federation with the wireless NITOS Testbed", in the proceedings of TridentCom 2012, Thessaloniki, Greece, June 2012. [ABSTRACT][PRESENTATION][PAPER]
  42. K. Choumas, T. Korakis, I. Koutsopoulos and L. Tassiulas, "Implementation and End-to-end Throughput Evaluation of an IEEE 802.11 compliant version of the Enhanced-Backpressure algorithm", in the proceedings of TridentCom, Thessaloniki, Greece, June 2012. [ABSTRACT][PAPER]
  43. D. Giatsios, I. Koutsopoulos and T. Korakis, "Dishonest Reporting in Queue-Based Cross-Layer Network Optimization", poster paper, in the proceedings of IWQoS, Coimbra, Portugal, June 2012. [ABSTRACT][PAPER]
  44. G. Kazdaridis, S. Keranidis, A. Fiamegkos, T. Korakis, I. Koutsopoulos and L. Tassiulas, "Novel Metrics and Experimentation Insights for Dynamic Frequency Selection in Wireless LANs", in the proceedings of ACM WiNTECH 2011, MobiCom 2011, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, September 2011. [ABSTRACT][PRESENTATION][PAPER]
  45. S. Keranidis, T. Korakis, I. Koutsopoulos and L. Tassiulas, "Contention and Traffic Load-aware Association in IEEE 802.11 WLANs: Algorithms and Implementation", in the proceedings of WinMee, WiOpt, Princeton NJ, USA, May 2011. [ABSTRACT][PRESENTATION][PAPER]
  46. G. Kyriakou, D. Stavropoulos, I. Koutsopoulos, T. Korakis, and L. Tassiulas, "A Framework and Experimental Study for Discrimination of Collision and Channel Errors in Wireless LANs", in the proceedings of TridentCom, Shanghai, China, April 2011. [ABSTRACT][PRESENTATION][PAPER]
  47. G. D. Stasi, R.Bifulco, F.P.D'elia, S. Avallone, R. Canonico, A. Apostolaras, N. Giallelis, T. Korakis, L. Tassiulas, "Experimenting with P2P traffic optimization for Wireless Mesh Networks in a federated OMF-PlanetLab environment", in the proceedings of IEEE WCNC, Cancun, Mexico, March 2011. [ABSTRACT][PAPER]
  48. V. Miliotis, A. Apostolaras, T. Korakis, Z. Tao and L. Tassiulas, "New Channel Allocation Techniques for Power Efficient WiFi Networks", in the proceedings of W-GREEN Workshop, In conjuction with PIMRC 2010, Instanbul, Turkey, September 2010. [ABSTRACT][PAPER]
  49. A. C. Anadiotis, A. Apostolaras, D. Syrivelis, T. Korakis, L. Tassiulas, L. Rodriguez, I. Seskar and M. Ott, "Towards Maximizing Wireless Testbed Utilization using Spectrum Slicing", in the proceedings of TridentCom, Berlin, Germany, May 2010. [ABSTRACT][PAPER]
  50. D. Syrivelis, A. C. Anadiotis, A. Apostolaras, T. Korakis and L. Tassiulas, "TLQAP : A Topology and Link Quality Assessment Protocol For Efficient Node Allocation on Wireless Testbeds", in the proceedings of ACM WiNTECH, Mobicom 2009, Beijing, China, September 2009. [ABSTRACT][PAPER]


Research Demos / Posters

  1. V. Maglogiannis, D. Naudts, I. Moerman, N. Makris and T. Kotakis, "Demo: Real LTE experimentation in a controlled environment", in the proceedings of ACM MobiHoc 2015, Hangzhou, China, 18-22 June 2015. [Abstract and Paper to be added soon].
  2. A. Apostolaras, N. Nikaein, R. Knopp, A. Cipriano, T. Korakis, I. Koutsopoulos and L. Tassiulas, "A Demonstration of Evolved User Equipment for Collaborative Wireless Backhauling in Next Generation Cellular Networks", in the proceedings of IEEE SECON, Seattle, WA, USA, 22-25 June 2015. [ABSTRACT] [PAPER]
  3. S. Keranidis, K. Chounos, T. Korakis, I. Koutsopoulos and L. Tassiulas, "Enabling AGILE Spectrum Adaptation in Commercial 802.11 WLAN Deployments ", in the proceedings of ACM Mobicom 2014, Maui, Hawaii, USA, September 7, 2014. [ABSTRACT] [PAPER]
  4. I. Syrigos, K. Choumas, T. Korakis and L. Tassiulas, "Demonstration of a Video-aware Multicast Opportunistic Routing protocol over 802.11 two-hop mesh networks", in the proceedings of IEEE SECON 2014, Singapore, Singapore, July 2014 [ABSTRACT][PAPER]
  5. G. Kazdaridis, D. Stavropoulos, S. Ioannidis, T. Korakis, S. Lalis, L. Tassiulas, "A Demonstration of the NITOS BikesNet Framework", in the proceedings of IEEE MDM 2014, Brisbane, Australia, 15-18 July 2014. [ABSTRACT] [PAPER]
  6. S. Keranidis, G. Kazdaridis, V. Passas, G. Igoumenos, T. Korakis, I. Koutsopoulos and L. Tassiulas, "NITOS Mobile Monitoring Solution: Realistic Energy Consumption Profiling of Mobile Devices", in the proceedings of ACM e-Energy 2014, Oxford, UK, 11-13 June 2014. [ABSTRACT] [PAPER]
  7. G. Paschos, C. Li, E. Modiano, K. Choumas and T. Korakis, "A Demonstration of Multirate Multicast Over an 802.11 Mesh Network", in the proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM 2014, Toronto, Canada, April 2014. [ABSTRACT] [PAPER] [POSTER][VIDEO]
  8. S. Keranidis, G. Kazdaridis, V. Passas, T. Korakis,I. Koutsopoulos, L. Tassiulas, "Online Energy Consumption Monitoring of Wireless Testbed Infrastructure through the NITOS EMF Framework", in the proceedings of ACM WinTech 2013,Mobicom 2013, Miami, Florida, 30 September 2013. [ABSTRACT][PAPER]
  9. V. Passas, K. Chounos, S. Keranidis, W. Liu, L. Hollevoet, T. Korakis, I. Koutsopoulos, I. Moerman, L. Tassiulas, "Online Evaluation of Sensing Characteristics for Radio Platforms in the CREW Federated Testbed", in the proceedings of Mobicom, Miami, Florida, 30 September 2013. [ABSTRACT][PAPER]
  10. V. Maglogiannis, G. Kazdaridis, D. Stavropoulos, T. Korakis and L. Tassiulas, "Enabling Mobile Sensing through a DTN Framework", in the proceedings of ACM WinTech 2013, Mobicom 2013, Miami, 30 September 2013. [ABSTRACT] [PAPER] 
  11. V. Maglogiannis, D. Giatsios, G. Kazdaridis, T. Korakis, I. Koutsopoulos and L. Tassiulas, "Integrating sensor measurements through CM cards as an OMF service", in the proceedings of TridentCom, Thessaloniki, Greece, June 2012. [ABSTRACT][PAPER] [POSTER][VIDEO]
  12. K. Choumas, T. Korakis, I. Koutsopoulos and L. Tassiulas, "A Demonstration of Video over an IEEE 802.11 compliant version of the Enhanced-Backpressure algorithm ", in the proceedings of TridentCom, Thessaloniki, Greece, June 2012. [ABSTRACT][PAPER] [POSTER]
  13. V. Passas, S. Keranidis, T. Korakis, I. Koutsopoulos and L. Tassiulas, "An Experimental Framework for Channel Sensing through USRP/GNU Radios", in the proceedings of TridentCom, Thessaloniki, Greece, June 2012. [ABSTRACT][PAPER] [POSTER]
  14. G. Kazdaridis, S. Keranidis, H. Niavis, T. Korakis, I. Koutsopoulos and L. Tassiulas, "An Integrated Chassis Manager Card Platform featuring multiple sensor modules" (Best Demo Award) , in the proceedings of TridentCom, Thessaloniki, Greece, June 2012. [ABSTRACT][PAPER] [POSTER]
  15. N. Makris, S. Keranidis, D. Giatsios, T. Korakis, I. Koutsopoulos and L. Tassiulas, "Cross-testbed experimentation using the Planetlab-NITOS federation", in the proceedings of TridentCom, Thessaloniki, Greece, June 2012. [ABSTRACT][PAPER] [POSTER] [VIDEO]
  16. D. Giatsios, K. Choumas, D. Syrivelis, T. Korakis and L. Tassiulas, "Integrating FlowVisor access control in a publicly available OpenFlow testbed with slicing support", in the proceedings of TridentCom, Thessaloniki, Greece, June 2012. [ABSTRACT][PAPER] [POSTER]
  17. A. Apostolaras, K. Choumas, I. Syrigos, G. Kazdaridis, T. Korakis, I. Koutsopoulos, A. Argyriou and L. Tassiulas, "A Demonstration of a Relaying Selection Scheme for Maximizing A Diamond Network’s Throughput", in the proceedings of TridentCom, Thessaloniki, Greece, June 2012. [ABSTRACT][PAPER] [POSTER][VIDEO]
  18. D. Stavropoulos, G. Kazdaridis, T. Korakis, D. Katsaros and L. Tassiulas, "Demonstration of a Vehicle-to-Infrastructure (V2I) Communication Network featuring Heterogeneous Sensors and Delay Tolerant Network Capabilities", in the proceedings of TridentCom 2012, Thessaloniki, Greece, June 2012. [ABSTRACT][PAPER] [POSTER][VIDEO]
  19. H. Niavis, G. Kazdaridis, T. Korakis and L. Tassiulas, "Enabling sensing and mobility", in the proceedings of TridentCom, Thessaloniki, Greece, June 2012. [ABSTRACT][PAPER][POSTER] [VIDEO]
  20. S. Sallent, A. Abelem, I. Machado, L. Bergesio, S. Fdida, J. Rezende, S. Azodolmolky, M. Salvador, L. Ciuffo and L. Tassiulas, "FIBRE project: Brazil and Europe unite forces and testbeds for the Internet of the future", in the proceedings of TridentCom 2012, Thessaloniki, Greece, June 2012. [ABSTRACT]
  21. G. Kazdaridis, S. Keranidis, A. Fiamegkos, T. Korakis, I. Koutsopoulos and L. Tassiulas, "Dynamic Frequency Selection through Collaborative Reporting in WLANs", in the proceedings of MobiCom 2011, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, September 2011. [ABSTRACT][PAPER] [VIDEO]
  22. S. Keranidis, I. Koutsopoulos, T. Korakis, and L. Tassiulas, "An Experimental Framework for Data Gathering and Analysis in Wireless Sensor Networks", in the proceedings of ACM WiNTECH 2011, ACM MobiCom 2011, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, September 2011. [ABSTRACT][PAPER][VIDEO]
  23. A. Apostolaras, D. Syrivelis, T. Korakis and L. Tassiulas, "Achieving Efficient Resource Allocation on Non-RF Isolated Wireless Testbed Deployments", in the proceedings of Future Network & Mobile Summit 2010, Florence, Italy, June 2010. [ABSTRACT] [PAPER]
  24. A. Apostolaras, V. Miliotis, N. Giallelis, D. Syrivelis, T. Korakis and L. Tassiulas, "A Demonstration of a Management Tool for Assessing Channel Quality Information in Wireless Testbeds", in the proceedings Tridentcom 2010, Berlin, Germany, May 2010. [ABSTRACT] [PAPER]
  25. A. C. Anadiotis, A. Apostolaras, D. Syrivelis, T. Korakis, L. Tassiulas, L. Rodriguez and M. Ott, "A New Slicing Scheme for Efficient Use of Wireless Testbeds", in the proceedings ACM WiNTECH 2009, Mobicom 2009, Beijing, China, September 2009. [ABSTRACT] [PAPER]
  26. A. C. Anadiotis, A. Apostolaras, D. Syrivelis, T. Korakis and L. Tassiulas, "A Slicing Scheme for Efficient Use of Testbed’s Resources", in the proceedings of MobiCom 2009, Beijing, China, September 2009. [ABSTRACT] [PAPER]


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