Thursday, February 20, 2025


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NITOS Facility Architecture

The overall architecture of the NITOS facility is demonstrated in the following figure.

NITOS overall architecture


NITOS Testbed Architecture

The network architecture of the NITOS testbeds is described below, both for the indoor and the outdoor. Two Gigabit Ethernet switches interconnect the nodes with the server of each testbed. At first, the Control Network that provide for control of experiment execution and measurement collection and on the other hand the Experimental Network, which can be used for conducting wired experiments (OpenFlow testbed). A third Gigabit Ethernet, namely the Chassis Manager Switch, is dedicated in controlling the operational status of the nodes through the transmission of custom http requests that control solid state relays on the Chassis Manager cards attached on each node.

In the following Picture the network architecture model that NITOS testbeds rely on, is illustrated.

nitos architecture

NITOS Server

One machine equipped with at least two ethernet ports, is the minimum requirement to start deploying your own testbed. For security reasons, the server-setup may be deployed on several machines.



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