Thursday, February 20, 2025


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The main goal of the FIBRE project is the design, implementation and validation of a shared Future Internet research facility, supporting the joint experimentation of European and Brazilian researchers. In order to achieve this goal the project will carry out four main activities:

  • The development and operation of a new experimental facility in Brazil, including the setup of equipment to support experimentation with various technologies (fixed layer 2 and layer 3, wireless, optical) as well as the design and implementation of a control framework to automate the use and
    operation of the testbed.
  • The development and operation of a Future Internet facility in Europe based on enhancements and the federation of two existing infrastructures: OFELIA and OneLab. Two OFELIA islands (i2CAT and UEssex) and the UTH's NITOS testbed will be enhanced by i) adding more physical resources (servers, OpenFlow-enabled switches and access points) to be able to cope with a bigger number of users and different use cases, ii) improving its respective control frameworks (based on the OFELIA control framework and OMF) and iii) adding more manpower to operate the facilities.
  • The federation of the Brazilian and European experimental facilities, both at the physical connectivity and control framework level, to support the provisioning of slices using resources from both testbeds.
  • The design and implementation of pilot applications of public utility that showcase the power of a shared Europe-Brazil Future Internet experimental facility.

NITOS hardware extensions in the context of FIBRE

NITOS will be extended with:

  • a wired testbed based on OpenFlow switches
  • a meso-scale wireless testbed with real volunteer users carrying programmable client devices

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