Friday, February 28, 2025


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FGRE: Connecting to the WiMAX Network

In order to connect to the Base Station, issue the following commands:

wget --http-user admin --http-password admin -qO - ""
wget --http-user admin --http-password admin -qO - " frequency=2590000 bandwidth=10"
wget --http-user admin --http-password admin -qO - ""

The first one, instructs the dongle to disconnect from any network that it is attached on. The second command, instructs the dongle to use the WiMAX channel at 2590MHz with a 10MHz channel bandwidth. Finally, with the third command the dongle connects to the NITOS WiMAX network. 
You can verify that the dongle has connected by sending the following command:


If the host responds, you are connected to the Base Station. Host is the server behind the Base Station, responsible for configuring it and routing the traffic coming from it.

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