Wednesday, July 24, 2024


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Sensor Platform-mobility

The development of applications based over vehicular networks, such as road safety, environmental information etc. require a complete testbed platform for research and evaluation. Such a platform will be provided by NITOS testbed, that will include nodes mounted on cars and fixed nodes of the testbed operating as road side units (RSU). Besides the wireless infrastructure, there will be several sensors regarding the environmental conditions and the vehicle. These will gather measurements about air conditions and GPS data such as position and speed and will be collected in a central database, where the experimenter will be able to depict them in a Google map.

reduction plan3

Below you can see a demonstration of a prototype that was implemented and tested in the area outside of our offices. This demonstration includes a Car which has a mounted node with sensing capabilities (humidity, temperature, CO2 and GPS data) and a Roadside Unit which serves as an access point in our network. While the car is moving, it collects information through its sensors and stores them locally on the node. Whenever the car is within the range of the Roadside Unit, all the collected measurements are being upload to a central NITOS server through this access point. Finally we depict the collected data live in a google map which shows the exact position of each measurement as soon as it is uploaded to the server.


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