Friday, February 21, 2025


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Integrating FlowVisor access control in a publicly available OpenFlow testbed with slicing support

Authors: Dimitris Giatsios, Kostas Choumas, Dimitris Syrivelis, Thanasis Korakis and Leandros Tassiulas

Conference: TridentCom, Thessaloniki, Greece, June 2012

OpenFlow technology has recently attracted a lot of attention in the networking research community, as the ability to control the forwarding plane of a switch through software opens new exciting capabilities for protocol designers. Several network testbeds have added OpenFlow-capable switches to their equipment, while at the same time new OpenFlow-centric testbeds have been created. This demo describes a proposed approach to provide testbed slicing in a publicly available testbed featuring OpenFlow switching equipment. The approach leverages the slicing features of the FlowVisor software component and combines them with the NITOS Scheduler resource reservation framework. The resulting con guration was implemented and successfully integrated into the software framework of the publicly available testbed NITOS.

Download paper: Integrating FlowVisor access control in a publicly available OpenFlow testbed with slicing support.pdf

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