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Experimentation on end-to-end performance aware algorithms in the federated environment of the heterogeneous PlanetLab and NITOS testbeds

Authors: Stratos Keranidis, Dimitris Giatsios, Thanasis Korakis, Iordanis Koutsopoulos, Leandros Tassiulas, Thierry Rakotoarivelo, Max Ott, Thierry Parmentelat

Journal: Elsevier Computer Networks, Special Issue on Future Internet Testbeds, 2013

The constantly increasing diversity of the infrastructure that is used to deliver Internet services to the end user, has created a demand for experimental network facilities featuring heterogeneous resources. Therefore, federation of existing network testbeds has been identified as a key goal in the experimental testbeds community, leading to a recent activity burst in this research field. In this paper, we present a federation scheme that was built during the Onelab 2 EU project. This scheme federates the NITOS wireless testbed with the wired PlanetLab Europe testbed, allowing researchers to access and use heterogeneous experimental facilities under an integrated environment. The usefulness of the resulting federated facility is demonstrated through the testing of an implemented end-to-end delay aware association scheme proposed for Wireless Mesh Networks. We present extensive experiments under both wired congestion and wireless channel contention conditions that demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach in a realistic environment. The conducted experiments are also reproduced in a well established network simulator and a comparative study between the results obtained in the realistic and simulated environments is presented. Both the architectural building blocks that enable the federation of the testbeds and the execution of the experiment on combined resources, as well as the important insights obtained from the experimental results are described and analyzed, pointing out the importance of integrated experimental facilities for the design and development of the Future Internet.

Download paper: Keranidis_Federation_Elsevier_COMNET_2013.pdf

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