Friday, February 21, 2025


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NITOS Mobile Monitoring Solution: Realistic Energy Consumption Profiling of Mobile Devices

Authors: Stratos Keranidis, Giannis Kazdaridis, Virgilios Passas, Giannis Igoumenos, Thanasis Korakis, Iordanis Koutsopoulos, Leandros Tassiulas

Conference:  ACM e-Energy 2014, Oxford, UK, June 11-13 2014

Abstract: The unprecedented penetration of "smart'' mobile devices in everyday use case scenarios, along with their energy greedy profile have motivated researchers in the field of wireless networking, towards reducing energy consumption wherever possible. In order to support the design of energy efficient protocols, in-depth energy consumption profiling of mobile devices needs to be applied, through long term monitoring and under realistic conditions. To this aim, we have developed a tiny device able to fit in the battery pack of smartphones and monitor the resulting power consumption in an on-line way. In this work, we detail the components of the developed framework and demonstrate two indicative scenarios that showcase how the diversity of experimental conditions and configurations can significantly impact energy consumption.

Download paper: Keranidis_NITOS_MMS_e-Energy_2014.pdf

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