Friday, February 21, 2025


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A Cloud-based Content Replication Framework Over Multi-Domain Environments

Authors: Kostas Katsalis, Vasilsi Sourlas, Thanasis Korakis, Leandros Tassiulas

Conference:  IEEE ICC, Sydney Australia, June, 2014

Abstract: Cloud service provisioning on top of virtual infrastructures is of major importance in modern ICT, since it is directly correlated to the way business models are designed and revenue is generated from the cloud service providers. In this work we examine an end-to-end content replication problem over cloud-based multi-technology infrastructures. We extend the classical model where every network node is a potential replica carrier and the link weights represent hops/delay and we examine replication schemes for content that a) is requested by customers belonging in different virtual networks and b) depending on the requester there is different impact on the system operational cost. We examine both centralized and distributed content replication management policies and we evaluate their performance through extended simulations, by means of total cost, the number of object replacements and the number of iterations required.

Download paper: Katsalis_CONTENT_ICC_2014.pdf

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