Friday, February 21, 2025


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CPU Provisioning Algorithms for Service Differentiation in Cloud-Based Environments

Authors: Kostas Katsalis, George Paschos, Yiannis Viniotis and Leandros Tassiulas

Journal: IEEE Transactions on Services and Network Management (TNSM), Special issue, January 2014

This work focuses on the design, analysis and evaluation of Dynamic Weighted Round Robin (DWRR) algorithms that can guarantee CPU service shares in clusters of servers. Our motivation comes from the need to provision multiple server CPUs in cloud-based data center environments. Using stochastic control theory we show that a class of DWRR policies provide the service differentiation objectives, without requiring any knowledge about the arrival and the service process statistics. The member policies provide the data center administrator with trade-off options, so that the communication and computation overhead of the policy can be adjusted. We further evaluate the proposed policies via simulations, using both synthetic and real traces obtained from a medium scale mobile computing application.

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