Wednesday, July 24, 2024


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Migration steps from omf 5.3 to omf 5.4

Meaning that from now on 'omf' command will call omf-5.4 instead of omf-5.3. If a user still wants to use OMF-5.3, he can do it simply by calling 'omf-5.3' command. The two OMF installations run side by side so the user can select the one he prefers. However we are going to stop the support of OMF-5.3 in the end of the year, so you are kindly requested to update you images following the steps below.

We recommend using one of our baselines in /var/lib/omf-images-5.4 for creating your image. However if you want to try to make your old image OMF-5.4 compatible, you can follow the steps below. Keep in mind that you might encounter issues regarding the auto start up of the OMF resource controller, that's why you are advised to use one of our images which are based on ubuntu 12.04 precise and not trying to upgrade your old one.

Images are using a naming convention of: baseline_TypeOfNode_Driver.ndz

If you want to give it a try, start by loading your omf 5.3 image into a node:

omf load -i YOUR_IMAGE.ndz -t omf.nitos.nodexxx

After the load succeeds, turn on the node

t_reboot NODE_NUMBER

Wait 1 min for the node to boot up, then log into it and remove the old omf resource controller along with the experiment controller:

apt-get remove omf-resctl-5.2 omf-resctl-5.3 omf-expctl-5.2 omf-expctl-5.3

After that, edit /etc/apt/sources.list and make sure you update this record with precise

deb precise/

If this image is not for the orbit nodes then edit the file /etc/network/interfaces in order to look like this

# This file describes the network interfaces available on your system

# and how to activate them. For more information, see interfaces(5).

# The loopback network interface

auto lo

iface lo inet loopback auto eth0

iface eth0 inet dhcp

Again, if this image is not for the orbit nodes execute these 2 commands

rm /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules 
mkdir /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules

Before installing the new omf resource controller reboot the node


After the node boots up in approximately 1 minute

apt-get update 
apt-get install omf-expctl-5.4 
apt-get install omf-resctl-5.4

Proceed with execution of the following commands

cp /usr/share/doc/omf-resctl-5.4/examples/omf-resctl.nicta.yaml /etc/omf-resctl-5.4/omf-resctl.yaml

Edit /etc/omf-resctl-5.4/omf-resctl.yaml

:control_if: 'eth0' # don't change this from control if your image is for the orbit nodes 
:pubsub_gateway: '' 
:name: 'omf.nitos.%hostname%' 
:slice: your_username_here_without_quotes

You can change also the default driver if you like :ar5xxx_driver:

Reboot the node for the last time and log in after it boots up

Make sure the RC is up and running by issuing the command below

ps aux | grep omf

If everything is ok, you are ready to save your image. Log out from the node and execute omf save

omf save -n omf.nitos.nodeXXX

You will find your new image in "/var/lib/omf-images-5.4". Please delete your old image which is still in "/var/lib/omf-images-5.3".

Make sure that the RC is up and running after loading your image into the nodes. If it doesn't start automatically, then remove it and install it again. Reboot the node and check if it's working. If everything is ok save again your image, otherwise please feel free to contact us in order to help you resolving the issue or use one of our baseline images.

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