Streaming video with OMF
1. Experiment setup
In this scenario we use two Orbit nodes which are equipped with a web-camera and stream captured Motion-JPEG video to NITOS server. Zoneminder (a famous surveillance software) is installed at NITOS server and illustrates the collected streams. An external PC is connected to (which lies on NITOS server) and selects which camera wants to watch.
2. Loading of the appropriate OMF image at the nodes
omf load -t omf.nitos.nodes005,omf.nitos.nodes015 -i video_baseline.ndz
3. Experiment description in OMF
The description is included in ruby file "mjpg_streamer.rb":
defProperty('mjpg_streamer', '/root/mjpg-streamer-r150/mjpg-streamer', 'The path of the Motion JPEG streaming executable file')
defGroup("mygroup", ["omf.nitos.node005","omf.nitos.node015"])
onEvent(:ALL_UP_AND_INSTALLED) { |event|
wait 2
puts("\nStreaming starts\n\n")
allGroups.exec(property.mjpg_streamer+"mjpg_streamer -i \""+property.mjpg_streamer+" -r 320x240 -f 10\" -o \""+property.mjpg_streamer+"\"")
wait 2
4. Running the experiment & Zoneminder screenshot
omf exec mjpg_streamer.rb