Friday, February 21, 2025


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Putty paswordless login

In this tutorial we will show how to achieve passwordless login to console server through Putty.

  1. Open the PuttyGen for creating your private/public keys. Select SSH-2 RSA type of key and click Generate.

  2. When is ready copy the key under the label "Public key for pasting into OpenSSH authorized_keys file" into a txt file and save it. (Note that the key must be in one line)

  3. Click on the button "Save private key" and save it somewhere in your PC.
  4. Now upload the txt file of public key to NITLAb site into your account.
  5. Open Putty to login to the console server and click on the left tab "Connection->SSH->Auth". Click Browse and select your private key.
  6. Now login to the console server and you will see that it will not ask for password.

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