LTE EPC Control Service Documentation
The API functions are called via a URL as follows for “get” functions, i.e. functions used to retrieve data:
Similarly, “set” functions, i.e. functions used to add, change, update or delete entries are called as follows:
In both cases, the “args” clause is omitted for API functions with no arguments.
When more than one arguments are passed to a function, they are separated by commas.
Other types of REST services that deal with EPC configurations:
EPC services
Example: wget -qO- http://lterf:5054/lterf/epc/config/list
Usage: Returns a list of all the available EPC configuration files which can be used to load a specific configuration.
Arguments |
(none) |
Response |
[configurationFile, ...] |
configurationFile |
EPC configuration file, e.g. “reset.config” |
Example: wget -qO- http://lterf:5054/lterf/epc/config/save?name=currentConf
Usage: Saves current EPC configuration in a configuration file.
Arguments |
name |
name |
Name of the configuration file to be saved, e.g. “currentConf”. The full name of the resulting file will be “currentConf.config” |
Response |
success | failure |
success |
Current EPC configuration was successfully saved. |
failure |
Failed to save current EPC configuration. |
Example: wget -qO- http://lterf:5054/lterf/epc/config/load?name=reset
Usage: Loads an EPC configuration from a configuration file.
Arguments |
name |
name |
Name of the configuration file to load, e.g. “reset”. The full name of the file is “reset.config” |
Response |
success | failure |
success |
EPC configuration was successfully loaded. |
failure |
Failed to load EPC configuration. |
Example:wget -qO- http://lterf:5054/lterf/epc/config/delete?name=currentConf
Usage: Deletes an EPC configuration file.
Arguments |
name |
name |
Name of the configuration file to load, e.g. “currentConf”. The full name of the file is “currentConf.config” |
Response |
success | failure |
success |
EPC configuration file was successfully deleted. |
failure |
Failed to delete EPC configuration file. |
Example:wget -qO- http://lterf:5054/lterf/epc/get?function=getSystemStatus&args=HSS,APPLICATION,nil
Usage: Returns the current status of the components of the EPC (HSS, MME, SGW, PGW, eNodeBs, etc) and the connections between them.
Arguments |
componentType, statusType, statusIdentifier |
componentType |
Optional. EPC component type to filter the returned status list by |
statusType |
Optional. Status type to filter the returned status list by |
statusIdentifier |
Optional. Status identifier to filter the returned status list by |
Response |
[{componentType, statusType, statusIdentifier, currentStatus, severityLevel, lastUpdated }, ...] |
componentType |
EPC component type, e.g. “HSS” |
statusType |
Component status type, e.g. “APPLICATION” |
statusIdentifier |
Status identifier, e.g. “1” |
currentStatus |
Status, e.g. “ACTIVE” |
severityLevel |
Severity level, either 0 (normal), 1 (warning) or 2 (error) |
lastUpdated |
Date/time when status was last updated in the form YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss |
The following componentType and statusType values are returned:
componentType |
statusType |
Note: There may be multiple instances of each componentType and statusType returned; each with different statusIdentifiers.
Note: If no optional filter arguments are specified, the entire component status list will be returned.
Usage: Restarts the LTEnet service (i.e. the EPC components) or reboots the hardware on which the LTEnet EPC is installed. Note that this will cause the API to become unavailable until the service or hardware has restarted.
Arguments |
type |
restartType |
Optional. Type of restart to perform, either “service” or “hardware”. When no argument is specified, the default value is “service”. |
Response |
success | failure |
success |
The restart was successfully invoked. |
failure |
The restart was not invoked. Check error response for details. |
Usage: Returns the number of subscribers currently attached to the EPC.
Arguments |
(none) |
Response |
count |
count |
Number of subscribers currently attached to the EPC, e.g. 10 |
Usage: Returns the number of subscribers currently attached to the EPC and in an active state.
Arguments |
(none) |
Response |
count |
count |
Number of subscribers currently attached to the EPC and in an active state, e.g. 5 |
Usage: Returns the current state of a specific subscriber. Additional information is returned in the response when the subscriber is in an attached state.
Arguments |
imsi |
imsi |
Unique IMSI of the subscriber to get the state of, e.g. “001010000012345” |
Response |
state, [guti, mmeUeS1apId, lastTAI, mmeIpAddressS11GTPC, mmeTeidS11GTPC, sgwIpAddressS11GTPC, sgwTeidS11GTPC, s1apEndPointId, subscribedUeAmbrDl, subscribedUeAmbrUl, ueAmbrDl, ueAmbrUl, pdnConnections[{}, ...]] |
state |
guti |
Unique GUTI assigned to the subscriber when attached, e.g. “001-01- 000001f49d0647” |
mmeUeS1apId |
ID of MME S1 endpoint when attached and active, e.g. 1, or null when not active |
lastTAI |
Last tracking area update information, in the form MCC-MNC TAC e.g. “001- 01 9” |
mmeIpAddressS11GTPC |
IP address of MME GTPC connection, e.g. “” |
mmeTeidS11GTPC |
Tunnel endpoint identifier of MME GTPC connection, e.g. 2 |
sgwIpAddressS11GTPC |
IP address of SGW GTPC connection, e g. “” |
sgwTeidS11GTPC |
Tunnel endpoint identifier of SGW GTPC connection, e.g. 3 |
s1apEndPointId |
ID of S1 endpoint when attached and active, e.g. 1, or null when not active |
subscribedUeAmbrDl |
Subscribed downlink maximum bandwidth (in Kbit/s), e.g. 100000000 |
subscribedUeAmbrUl |
Subscribed uplink maximum bandwidth (in Kbit/s), e.g. 100000000 |
ueAmbrDl |
Actual downlink maximum bandwidth (in Kbit/s), e.g. 100000000 |
ueAmbrUl |
Actual uplink maximum bandwidth (in Kbit/s), e.g. 100000000 |
pdnConnections |
Dictionary of active PDN connections in the following format: |
[{apn, subscribedApnAmbrDl, subscribedApnAmbrUl, apnAmbrDl, apnAmbrUl, qci, arp, ipAddress}, ...] |
apn |
APN name for the PDN connection, e.g. “default” |
subscribedApnAmbrDl |
Subscribed uplink maximum bandwidth on PDN connection (in Kbit/s), e.g. 100000000 |
apnAmbrDl |
Active uplink maximum bandwidth on PDN connection (in Kbit/s), e.g. 100000000 |
apnAmbrUl |
Active downlink maximum bandwidth on PDN connection (in Kbit/s), e.g. 100000000 |
qci |
QCI on PDN connection, e.g. 5 |
arp |
ARP on PDN connection, e.g. 4 |
ipAddress |
IP address allocated on PDN connection, e.g. “” |
Example:wget -qO- http://lterf:5054/lterf/epc/set?function=detachUE&args=001010000012345
Usage: Detaches a specific UE from the EPC.
Arguments |
(imsi ) |
imsi |
Unique IMSI of the UE to detach, e.g. “001010000012345” |
Response |
success | failure |
success |
The UE was successfully detached |
failure |
The subscriber was not detached. Check error response for details |
Example:wget -qO- http://lterf:5054/lterf/epc/get?function=exportDataUsage&args=460990010001009,default,2014,12,31
Usage: Returns the recorded data usage for a specific subscriber on a particular date.
Arguments |
imsi, apn, date_year, date_month, date_day |
imsi |
Unique IMSI of the subscriber to get the data usage for, e.g. “001010000012345” |
apn |
APN to get the data usage for, e.g. “default” |
date_year |
Year part of date to get data usage on, e.g. 2014 |
date_month |
Month part of date to get data usage on, e.g. 12 |
date_day |
Day part of date to get data usage on, e.g. 31 |
Response |
Base 64 encoded data, representing a CSV file containing the requested |
subscriber usage data |
null |
There is no valid data usage for the requested subscriber |
Example:wget -qO- http://lterf:5054/lterf/epc/get?function=exportAllDataUsage
Usage: Returns the recorded data usage for a specific subscriber on a particular date.
Arguments |
(none) |
Response |
Base 64 encoded data, representing a ZIP file containing the requested subscriber usage folders and data files |
Example:wget -qO- http://lterf:5054/lterf/epc/set?function=deleteAllDataUsage
Usage: Deletes all of the recorded data usage.
Arguments |
(none) |
Response |
success | failure |
success |
The data usage was successfully deleted |
failure |
The data usage was not deleted. Check error response for details |
Example:wget -qO- http://lterf:5054/lterf/epc/get?function=getLogs&args=APPLICATION
Usage: Returns all the logged event data for the EPC components.
Arguments |
logType |
Response |
Base 64 encoded data, representing a ZIP file containing the logged event data files |
Example:wget -qO- http://lterf:5054/lterf/epc/set?function=addSubscriber&args=001010000012345,nil,001102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F,'',Enabled,TEST_SS,Static,,TEST_SS2,Static,
Usage: Adds a new subscriber to the HSS.
Arguments |
imsi, msisdn, k, opc, subscriberStatus, primaryProfile, primaryPDNAllocationType, primaryPDNIPAddress [, secondaryProfile, secondaryPDNAllocationType, secondaryPDNIPAddress] |
imsi |
Unique IMSI of the new subscriber, e.g. “001010000012345” |
msisdn |
Always null (not currently used) |
k |
K authentication value for the subscriber |
opc |
Optional. OPc authentication value for the subscriber. If omitted, the global configuration OP value will be used |
subscriberStatus |
Either “Enabled” or “Disabled” |
primaryProfile |
Primary subscriber profile name |
primaryPDNAllocationType |
IP address allocation type, either “Dynamic” or “Static” |
primaryPDNIPAddress |
IP address if primaryPDNAllocationType is “Static” or null if “Dynamic” |
secondaryProfile |
Optional. Secondary subscriber profile name |
secondaryPDNAllocationType |
Optional. IP address allocation type, either “Dynamic” or “Static” |
secondaryPDNIPAddress |
Optional. IP address if secondaryPDNAllocationType is “Static” or null if “Dynamic” |
Response |
success | failure |
success |
The subscriber was successfully added |
failure |
The subscriber was not added. Check error response for details |
Example:wget -qO- http://lterf:5054/lterf/epc/get?function=getSubscriberList
Usage: Returns a list of subscribers in the HSS.
Arguments |
(none) |
Response |
[imsi, ...] |
imsi |
IMSI of a subscriber in the list, e.g. “001010000012345” |
Example:wget -qO- http://lterf:5054/lterf/epc/get?function=getSubscriber&args=001010000012345
Usage: Returns the details for an existing subscriber in the HSS.
Arguments |
imsi |
imsi |
Unique IMSI of the new subscriber, e.g. “001010000012345” |
Response |
imsi, msisdn, k, opc, subscriberStatus, primaryProfile, primaryPDNAllocationType, primaryPDNIPAddress [, secondaryProfile, secondaryPDNAllocationType, secondaryPDNIPAddress] |
imsi |
Unique IMSI of the subscriber, e.g. “001010000012345” |
msisdn |
Always null (not currently used) |
k |
K authentication value for the subscriber |
opc |
OPc authentication value for the subscriber. May be blank, indicating the global OP value will be used |
subscriberStatus |
Either “Enabled” or “Disabled” |
primaryProfile |
Primary subscriber profile name |
primaryPDNAllocationType |
IP address allocation type, either “Dynamic” or “Static” |
primaryPDNIPAddress |
IP address if primaryPDNAllocationType is “Static” or null if “Dynamic” |
secondaryProfile |
Secondary subscriber profile name. Will not be present if there is no secondary subscriber profile |
secondaryPDNAllocationType |
IP address allocation type, either “Dynamic” or “Static”. Will be not be present if there is no secondary subscriber profile |
secondaryPDNIPAddress |
IP address if secondaryPDNAllocationType is “Static” or null if “Dynamic” (or not present if there is not secondary subscriber profile ) |
Example:wget -qO- http://lterf:5054/lterf/epc/set?function=updateSubscriber&&args=001010000012345,nil,
Usage: Updates the details for an existing subscriber in the HSS.
Arguments |
imsi, msisdn, k, amf, op, subscriberStatus, primaryProfile, primaryPDNAllocationType, primaryPDNIPAddress [, secondaryProfile, secondaryPDNAllocationType, secondaryPDNIPAddress] |
imsi |
Unique IMSI of the subscriber to update, e.g. “001010000012345” |
msisdn |
Not currently used |
k |
K authentication value for the subscriber |
opc |
Optional. OPc authentication value for the subscriber. If omitted, the global configuration OP value will be used |
subscriberStatus |
Either “Enabled” or “Disabled” |
primaryProfile |
Primary subscriber profile name |
primaryPDNAllocationType |
IP address allocation type, either “Dynamic” or “Static” |
primaryPDNIPAddress |
IP address if primaryPDNAllocationType is “Static” or null if “Dynamic” |
secondaryProfile |
Optional. Secondary subscriber profile name |
secondaryPDNAllocationType |
Optional. IP address allocation type, either “Dynamic” or “Static” |
secondaryPDNIPAddress |
Optional. IP address if secondaryPDNAllocationType is “Static” or null if “Dynamic” |
Response |
success | failure |
success |
The subscriber was successfully updated |
failure |
The subscriber was not updated . Check error response for details |
Example:wget -qO- http://lterf:5054/lterf/epc/set?function=deleteSubscriber&args=001010000012345
Usage: Deletes an existing subscriber from the HSS.
Arguments |
imsi |
imsi |
Unique IMSI of the subscriber to delete, e.g. “001010000012345” |
Response |
success | failure |
success |
The subscriber was successfully deleted |
failure |
The subscriber was not deleted. Check error response for details |
Example:wget -qO- http://lterf:5054/lterf/epc/set?function=addSubscriberProfile&args=TEST_SS,default,5,1,100000000,100000000
Usage: Adds a new subscriber profile to the EPC.
Arguments |
name, apn, qci, arp, uplinkAMBR, downlinkAMBR |
name |
Unique name of the new profile to add |
apn |
Name of the APN this subscriber profile will use (must be an existing APN name) |
qci |
Default QoS Class Identifier for subscribers on the profile |
arp |
Default allocation and retention priority for subscribers on the profile |
uplinkAMBR |
Uplink maximum bandwidth (in Kbit/s), e.g. 100000000 |
downlinkAMBR |
Downlink maximum bandwidth (in Kbit/s), e.g. 100000000 |
Response |
success | failure |
success |
The subscriber profile was successfully added |
failure |
The subscriber profile was not added. Check error response for details |
Example:wget -qO- http://lterf:5054/lterf/epc/get?function=getSubscriberProfileList
Usage: Returns the list of subscriber profiles in the EPC.
Arguments |
(none) |
Response |
[name, ...] |
name |
Name of a subscriber profile in the list |
Example:wget -qO- http://lterf:5054/lterf/epc/get?function=getSubscriberProfile&args=TEST_SS
Usage: Returns the details of an existing subscriber profile in the EPC.
Arguments |
name, apn, qci, arp, uplinkAMBR, downlinkAMBR |
name |
Unique name of the new profile to add |
Response |
name, apn, qci, arp, uplinkAMBR, downlinkAMBR |
name |
Name of the subscriber profile |
apn |
Name of the APN this subscriber profile connects to |
qci |
Default QoS Class Identifier for subscribers on the profile |
arp |
Default allocation and retention priority for subscribers on this profile |
uplinkAMBR |
Uplink maximum bandwidth (in Kbit/s), e.g. 100000000 |
downlinkAMBR |
Downlink maximum bandwidth (in Kbit/s), e.g. 100000000 |
Example:wget -qO- http://lterf:5054/lterf/epc/set?function=updateSubscriberProfile&args=TEST_SS,default,4,1,100000000,100000000
Usage: Updates the details of an existing subscriber profile in the EPC.
Arguments |
name, apn, qci, arp, uplinkAMBR, downlinkAMBR |
name |
Unique name of the subscriber profile to update (must be an existing profile) |
apn |
Name of the APN this subscriber profile will use (must be an existing APN name) |
qci |
Default QoS Class Identifier for subscribers on the profile |
arp |
Default allocation and retention priority for subscribers on the profile |
uplinkAMBR |
Uplink maximum bandwidth (in Kbit/s), e.g. 100000000 |
downlinkAMBR |
Downlink maximum bandwidth (in Kbit/s), e.g. 100000000 |
Response |
success | failure |
success |
The subscriber profile was successfully updated |
failure |
The subscriber profile was not updated . Check error response for details |
- epc/set?function=deleteSubscriberProfile&args=...
Example:wget -qO- http://lterf:5054/lterf/epc/set?function=deleteSubscriberProfile&args=TEST_SS
Usage: Deletes a specific subscriber profile from the EPC. Note that it is not possible to delete a subscriber profile to which subscribers are assigned. The subscribers must first be unassigned from the profile or deleted, before the profile can be deleted.
Arguments |
name |
name |
Unique name of the subscriber profile to delete (must be an existing profile) |
Response |
success | failure |
success |
The subscriber was successfully deleted |
failure |
The subscriber was not deleted. Check error response for details |
Example:wget -qO- http://lterf:5054/lterf/epc/set?function=addENodeB&args=00008070,
Usage: Adds a new eNodeB to the EPC.
Arguments |
eNodeBID, ipAddress |
eNodeBID |
Unique ID of the eNodeB, e.g. “00008070” |
ipAddress |
IP address the eNodeB will connect to the EPC from, e.g. “” |
Response |
success | failure |
success |
The subscriber was successfully added. |
failure |
The subscriber was not added. Check error response for details |
- epc/get?function=getENodeBList
Example:wget -qO- http://lterf:5054/lterf/epc/get?function=getENodeBList
Usage: Returns a list of the eNodeBs configured in the EPC.
Arguments |
(none) |
Response |
[eNodeBID, ...] |
eNodeBID |
Unique ID of the eNodeB, e.g. “00008070” |
Example:wget -qO- http://lterf:5054/lterf/epc/get?function=getENodeB&args=00008070
Usage: Returns the details of an existing eNodeB configured in the EPC.
Arguments |
eNodeBID |
eNodeBID |
Unique ID of the eNodeB, e.g. “00008070” |
Response |
eNodeBID, ipAddress |
eNodeBID |
Unique ID of the eNodeB, e.g. “00008070” |
ipAddress |
IP address the eNodeB connects to the EPC from, e.g. “” |
Example:wget -qO- http://lterf:5054/lterf/epc/set?function=updateENodeB&args=00008070,
Usage: Updates the details of an existing eNodeB in the EPC.
Arguments |
eNodeBID, ipAddress |
eNodeBID |
Unique ID of the existing eNodeB to update, e.g. “00008070” |
ipAddress |
IP address the eNodeB will connect to the EPC from, e.g. “” |
Response |
success | failure |
success |
The subscriber was successfully updated . |
failure |
The subscriber was not updated . Check error response for details |
Example:wget -qO- http://lterf:5054/lterf/epc/get?function=deleteENodeB&args=00008070
Usage: Deletes an existing eNodeB from the EPC.
Arguments |
eNodeBID |
eNodeBID |
Unique ID of the eNodeB to delete, e.g. “00008070” |
Response |
success | failure |
success |
The eNodeB was successfully deleted |
failure |
The eNodeB was not deleted. Check error response for details |
Example:wget -qO- http://lterf:5054/lterf/epc/set?function=addAPN&args=sirran,,,,,,,1500
Usage: Adds a new APN to the EPC.
Arguments |
name, gatewayIPAddress, gatewaySubnet, primaryDNS, secondaryDNS, startIPRange, endIPRange,mtu |
name |
Unique name of the APN to add, e.g. “sirran” |
gatewayIPAddress |
IPv4 address of the gateway for the APN, e.g. “” |
gatewaySubnet |
Gateway subnet mask, e.g. “” |
primaryDNS |
Gateway primary DNS server, e.g. “” |
secondaryDNS |
Gateway secondary DNS server, e.g. “” |
startIPRange |
Start of IP range allocated to subscribers on this APN, e.g. “” |
mtu |
End of IP range allocated to subscribers on this APN, e.g. “” Maximum Transmission Unit size defined for LTE communication, e.g. 1500 bytes.
Response |
success | failure |
success |
The APN was successfully added. |
failure |
The APN was not added. Check error response for details |
Example:wget -qO- http://lterf:5054/lterf/epc/get?function=getAPNList
Usage: Returns the list of APNs configured in the EPC.
Arguments |
(none) |
Response |
[name, ...] |
name |
Name of an APN in the list, e.g. “default” |
Example:wget -qO- http://lterf:5054/lterf/epc/get?function=getAPN&args=sirran
Usage: Returns the details of an existing APN.
Arguments |
name |
name |
Unique name of the APN to get the details of, e.g. “sirran” |
Response |
name, gatewayIPAddress, gatewaySubnet, primaryDNS, secondaryDNS, startIPRange, endIPRange,mtu |
name |
Unique name of the APN to add, e.g. “sirran” |
gatewayIPAddress |
IPv4 address of the gateway for the APN, e.g. “” |
gatewaySubnet |
Gateway subnet mask, e.g. “” |
primaryDNS |
Gateway primary DNS server, e.g. “” |
secondaryDNS |
Gateway secondary DNS server, e.g. “” |
startIPRange |
Start of IP range allocated to subscribers on this APN, e.g. “” |
mtu |
End of IP range allocated to subscribers on this APN, e.g. “”
Maximum Transmission Unit size defined for LTE communication, e.g. 1500 bytes.
Example:wget -qO- http://lterf:5054/lterf/epc/set?function=updateAPN&args=sirran,,,,,,
Usage: Updates the details of an existing APN. Note that changes to an APN to which active subscribers are connected will only take effect when they reconnect to the APN.
Arguments |
name, gatewayIPAddress, gatewaySubnet, primaryDNS, secondaryDNS, startIPRange, endIPRange,mtu |
name |
Unique name of the APN to add, e.g. “sirran” |
gatewayIPAddress |
IPv4 address of the gateway for the APN, e.g. “” |
gatewaySubnet |
Gateway subnet mask, e.g. “” |
primaryDNS |
Gateway primary DNS server, e.g. “” |
secondaryDNS |
Gateway secondary DNS server, e.g. “” |
startIPRange |
Start of IP range allocated to subscribers on this APN, e.g. “” |
mtu |
End of IP range allocated to subscribers on this APN, e.g. “”
Maximum Transmission Unit size defined for LTE communication, e.g. 1500 bytes.
Response |
success | failure |
success |
The APN was successfully updated . |
failure |
The APN was not updated . Check error response for details |
Example:wget -qO- http://lterf:5054/lterf/epc/get?function=deleteAPN&args=sirran
Usage: Deletes an existing APN from the EPC. Note that it is not possible to delete an APN that is already assigned to a subscriber profile. The APN must be unassigned from the profile, or the profile must be deleted, before the APN can be deleted.
Arguments |
name |
name |
Unique name of the APN to delete, e.g. “sirran” |
Response |
success | failure |
success |
The APN was successfully deleted |
failure |
The APN was not deleted. Check error response for details |
Note: Arguments shown in grey below are currently ignored when they are set, as these values are currently overridden and set automatically when the LTEnet system starts.
Example:wget -qO- http://lterf:5054/lterf/epc/get?function=getHSSConfiguration
Usage: Returns the configuration settings for the HSS component of the EPC.
Arguments |
(none) |
Response |
diameterIPAddress |
diameterIPAddress |
The diameter IP address of the HSS component, e.g. “” |
Example:wget -qO- http://lterf:5054/lterf/epc/set?function=setHSSConfiguration&args=
Usage: Sets the configuration settings for the HSS component of the EPC.
Arguments |
diameterIPAddress |
diameterIPAddress |
Diameter IP address of the HSS component, e.g. “” (currently ignored when set as this value is overwritten automatically when the LTEnet system starts) |
Response |
success | failure |
success |
The HSS configuration was successfully updated |
failure |
The HSS configuration was not updated. Check error response for details |
Example:wget -qO- http://lterf:5054/lterf/epc/get?function=getMMEConfiguration
Usage: Returns the configuration settings for the MME component of the EPC.
Arguments |
(none) |
Response |
mmeName, gtpcIPAddress, s1apIPAddress, diameterIPAddress, gummei, mmeCode, mmeGroupID |
mmeName |
Unique name of the MME, e.g. “MME” |
gtpcIPAddress |
GTP-C IP address of the MME, e.g. “” |
s1apIPAddress |
S1AP IP address of the MME, e.g. “” |
diameterIPAddress |
Diameter IP address of the MME, e.g. “” |
gummei |
Globally Unique Mobility Management Entity Identifier of the MME, e.g. “MME” |
mmeCode |
MME code, e.g 1 |
mmeGroupID |
MME group ID, e.g. 0 |
Example:wget -qO- http://lterf:5054/lterf/epc/set?function=setMMEConfiguration&args=MME,,,,MME,1,0
Usage: Updates the configuration settings for the MME component of the EPC.
Arguments |
name, gtpcIPAddress, s1apIPAddress, diameterIPAddress, gummei, mmeCode, mmeGroupID |
name |
Unique name of the MME, e.g. “MME” |
gtpcIPAddress |
GTP-C IP address of the MME, e.g. “” |
s1apIPAddress |
S1AP IP address of the MME, e.g. “” |
diameterIPAddress |
Diameter IP address of the MME, e.g. “” |
gummei |
Globally Unique Mobility Management Entity Identifier of the MME, e.g. “MME” |
mmeCode |
MME code, e.g 1 |
mmeGroupID |
MME group ID, e.g. 0 |
Response |
success | failure |
success |
The MME configuration was successfully updated |
failure |
The MME configuration was not updated. Check error response for details |
Example:wget -qO- http://lterf:5054/lterf/epc/get?function=getPGWConfiguration
Usage: Returns the configuration settings for the PGW component of the EPC.
Arguments |
(none) |
Response |
gtpuIPAddress, gtpcIPAddress, ambrDownlink, ambrUplink |
gtpuIPAddress |
GTP-U bind IP address of the PGW, e.g. “” |
gtpcIPAddress |
GTP-C bind IP address of the PGW, e.g. “” |
ambrDownlink |
Downlink AMBR of the PGW (in Kbit/sec) , e.g. 1000000000 |
ambrUplink |
Uplink AMBR of the PGW (in Kbit/sec) , e.g. 1000000000 |
Example:wget -qO- http://lterf:5054/lterf/epc/set?function=setPGWConfiguration&args=,,1000000000,1000000000
Usage: Updates the configuration settings for the PGW component of the EPC.
Arguments |
gtpuIPAddress, gtpcIPAddress, ambrDownlink, ambrUplink |
gtpuIPAddress |
GTP-U bind IP address of the PGW, e.g. “” |
gtpcIPAddress |
GTP-C bind IP address of the PGW, e.g. “” |
ambrDownlink |
Downlink AMBR of the PGW (in Kbit/s), e.g. 1000000000 |
ambrUplink |
Uplink AMBR of the PGW (in Kbit/s) , e.g. 1000000000 |
Response |
success | failure |
success |
The PGW configuration was successfully updated |
failure |
The PGW configuration was not updated. Check error response for details |
Example:wget -qO- http://lterf:5054/lterf/epc/get?function=getSGWConfiguration
Usage: Returns the configuration settings for the SGW component of the EPC.
Arguments |
(none) |
Response |
gtpuIPAddress, gtpcIPAddress |
gtpuIPAddress |
GTP-U bind IP address of the SGW, e.g. “” |
gtpcIPAddress |
GTP-C bind IP address of the SGW, e.g. “” |
Example:wget -qO- http://lterf:5054/lterf/epc/set?function=setSGWConfiguration&args=,
Arguments |
gtpuIPAddress, gtpcIPAddress |
gtpuIPAddress |
GTP-U bind IP address of the SGW, e.g. “” |
gtpcIPAddress |
GTP-C bind IP address of the SGW, e.g. “” |
Response |
success | failure |
success |
The SGW configuration was successfully updated |
failure |
The SGW configuration was not updated. Check error response for details |
Example:wget -qO- http://lterf:5054/lterf/epc/get?function=getGlobalConfiguration&args=THREAD_POOL_SIZE
Usage: Returns a specific global configuration value for the EPC.
Arguments |
name |
name |
Name of the global configuration setting to return, e.g. “THREAD_POOL_SIZE” |
Response |
Value |
value |
Value of the global configuration setting, e.g. 1 |
Example:wget -qO- http://lterf:5054/lterf/epc/set?function=setGlobalConfiguration&args=THREAD_POOL_SIZE,1
Usage: Sets a specific global configuration value for the EPC.
Arguments |
name, value |
name |
Name of the global configuration setting to return, e.g. “THREAD_POOL_SIZE” |
value |
New value of the global configuration setting, e.g. 1 |
Response |
success | failure |
success |
The global configuration setting was successfully updated |
failure |
The global configuration setting was not updated. Check error response for details |
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