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1. Configuring Datapaths
(LTE Documentation)
... interconnecting with another testbed, you should send a command like the following: wget -qO- "http://lterf:5054/lterf/datapath/config/add?type=geant&&vlan=ID&&interface=eth2&&name=MYNAME&&apn=MYAPN_NAME" The ...
Created on 18 November 2015
2. Updating BS - EPC routing
(LTE Documentation)
... order to update the addresses at which the eNB is searching for the EPC network, you have to send the following commands: wget -qO- "http://lterf:5054/lterf/bs/set?epcIpAddress=NEW_EPCIP_ADDRESS&&node=2" ...
Created on 18 November 2015
3. Configuring a new APN
(LTE Documentation)
... femtocells is allowing only one APN to be used. This will be resolved in a future update. In order to change the APN configuration at the SiRRAN EPC network, you will have to send the following commands: ...
Created on 18 November 2015
4. Simple LTE Tutorial
... NITOS facility, used to configure and setup the eNBs and the EPC at the experimenter's will. After your reservation has started, log in to the NITOS3 server with the following command: ssh This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  ...
Created on 21 May 2015
5. Atheros Spectral Scan Experimentation
(Wireless Experimentation)
...  $ ssh -X root@node0XX As soon as we are connected as root in the node, we move to the directory FFT_eval. $ cd FFT_eval Then execute the following commands to perform a scan: $ modprobe ath9k $ ...
Created on 24 July 2014
6. FGRE: Changing Base Station Parameters
(FGRE Tutorial - 2014)
... the following command from the testbed server: wget -qO- "http://wimaxrf:5054/wimaxrf/" | xml_pp For example, in order to set restart the Base Station you can send the following command: wget ...
Created on 03 July 2014
7. FGRE: Collecting Performance Statistics
(FGRE Tutorial - 2014)
... command: root@node044:~# wmxstat --oml-domain fgre-teamX.1 --oml-collect tcp: where X is the number of your team. The statistics collected from the USB dongle are: The Base ...
Created on 03 July 2014
8. FGRE: Connecting to the WiMAX Network
(FGRE Tutorial - 2014)
In order to connect to the Base Station, issue the following commands: wget --http-user admin --http-password admin -qO - "" wget --http-user admin --http-password admin ...
Created on 03 July 2014
9. FGRE: Experimental Topology used
(FGRE Tutorial - 2014)
... command you will all get an output similar to the following: root@node044:~# ifconfig tel0 tel0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:1e:42:02:18:72 inet addr: Bcast: ...
Created on 03 July 2014
10. FGRE: Visualizing an Experiment's Measurements
(FGRE Tutorial - 2014)
... and visualize database files with measurements. We will use a second NITOS server for visualizing our experiments. Login using your credentials to the server using the command: ...
Created on 03 July 2014
11. FGRE: Accessing the NITOS testbed remotely
(FGRE Tutorial - 2014)
... following command in a UNIX terminal: ssh This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. You may need to open multiple terminal instances to the server during this tutorial session. If you have a Windows based host, ...
Created on 03 July 2014
12. iptables save/restore on reboot
apt-get install iptables-persistent These can be saved in a file with the command iptables-save for IPv4. iptables-save > /etc/iptables/rules.v4 If you would also like to use IPv6 rules, ...
Created on 24 June 2014
13. WiMAX tutorial
(OMF Tutorials)
... will. After your reservation has started, login to the NITOS2 server with the following command: ssh This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Once you have logged in, you should setup the base station to the ...
Created on 17 June 2014
14. LTE OMF AM updates
The second version of the LTERF service is a significant update of the first one, as it allows controlling multiple femtocells using only one server. This update is requires the adaptation of the commands ...
Created on 12 June 2014
15. Integration of IRIS in OMF
... the default OMF files with the source files found in NITLab's git repository. You can clone the files with the following command, if you have an account in the NITLab server: git clone This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. :/home/git/repos/iris.git In ...
Created on 10 June 2014
16. NITOS Wireless Sensor Platform (2)
... 802.15.4 stack (the basis for Zigbee[zigbee1]) and wraps it into a simple to use serial command set, allowing a very reliable and simple communication with Pro Micro's micro-controller. The developed platform ...
Created on 29 May 2014
17. lterf OMF AM service
... the following commands to install the service: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install lterf Some further configurations are needed for the configuration file in order for the service ...
Created on 10 April 2014
18. Overview
... this process takes place by issuing the appropriate commands, we are currently in the process of extending this kind of support by using UNIX debugfs filesystem. Directly from the management layer we will ...
Created on 10 March 2014
19. Testbed Deployment
... remotely through SSH, using a pre-shared key file. After the successful connection to the node, the appropriate configurations in order to connect the units to the LTEnet EPC must be made. The SSH command ...
Created on 06 January 2014
20. USRP devices
... 1 PPS signals (SMA) Optional GPS Disciplined Oscillator Ettus Research MIMO Cable that can be used to synchronize two USRP devices (sold separately) Support for timed commands and LO alignment with ...
Created on 19 September 2013