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1. AMQP(rabbitmq) installation-configuration
Rabbitmq installation: To install rabbitmq you need to: $ apt-get install ruby-dev build-essential libssl-dev $ apt-get install rabbitmq-server $ service rabbitmq-server restart Configuration files ...
Created on 03 June 2015
2. Simple LTE Tutorial
... = "default" = 1 = "default" #Connect and set up wwan interface } onEvent(:ALL_UP_AND_INSTALLED){ |event| info "Configuring the LTE dongles" wait ...
Created on 21 May 2015
3. LTE EPC Control Service Documentation
(LTE Documentation)
...  Usage: Restarts the LTEnet service (i.e. the EPC components) or reboots the hardware on which the LTEnet EPC is installed. Note that this will cause the API to become unavailable until the service ...
Created on 19 January 2015
4. Install oml2-apps from source
... a diffirent version if you want) wget tar -xf oml2-apps-2.11.0.tar.gz cd oml2-apps-2.11.0/ Install dependencie sudo apt-get ...
Created on 29 October 2014
5. FGRE: NITOS testbed Introduction
(FGRE Tutorial - 2014)
... communication technologies. A distributed Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) testbed able to sense and gather environmental measurements from agricultural installations. The deployed facility consists of ...
Created on 03 July 2014
6. iptables save/restore on reboot
apt-get install iptables-persistent These can be saved in a file with the command iptables-save for IPv4. iptables-save > /etc/iptables/rules.v4 If you would also like to use IPv6 rules, ...
Created on 24 June 2014
7. WiMAX tutorial
(OMF Tutorials)
... with the WiMAX testbed. In order to do so, you can login to your booked nodes with the command: ssh root@node0XX where XX is the number identifier of node reserved. The WiMAX clients installed on ...
Created on 17 June 2014
8. LTE OMF AM updates
... sent to the service, by including the specific node ID in the query. The target setup is the following:     We suppose that the system is a x64 Ubuntu Server system.  In order to install the ...
Created on 12 June 2014
9. Integration of IRIS in OMF
  The NITOS  team has developed the appropriate extensions for supporting the IRIS (Implementing Radio in Software) platform with OMF. More information about IRIS platform and guidelines of installing ...
Created on 10 June 2014
10. lterf OMF AM service
NITLab and WINLAB (Rutgers University) have developed the first version of an OMF Aggregate Manager service, ready to be installed at any similar to NITOS testbed, that enables controlling of the ip.access ...
Created on 10 April 2014
11. Tutorial
... nodes. The image is compatible with the grid and the GNU nodes only, and it is based in the natty ubuntu distribution. If you need to install any new packages from the Ubuntu repositories you might consider ...
Created on 10 March 2014
12. WiMAX end-devices
Apart from the Base Station’s components, NITlab has also acquired several end-devices able to operate as WiMAX clients. This equipment is installed at NITOS testbed, enhancing existing nodes capabilities ...
Created on 06 January 2014
13. LTE end-devices
... Mini PCI-e bus, and therefore can be installed on the NITOS's ICARUS Nodes. They also support a USB 2.0 interface. In order to be able to use the Sierra Wireless MC7700 the Linux drivers/kernels have to ...
Created on 06 January 2014
14. Testbed Deployment
... several components. The core units are two LTE Access Points and the SIRRAN’s LTEnet core network. The installation of the LTE access points took place in UTH premises in cooperation with COSMOTE, in ...
Created on 06 January 2014
15. Gathering environmental measurements through heterogeneous wireless technologies
... internet is accomplished through the WiMAX interface.   A passenger is carrying an Android smart phone, with UTH’s Android Resource Controller (RC) and UTH’s mobile application both installed ...
Created on 01 December 2013
16. Testbed Deployment
... 50FHXC-030-50 N RF attenuator from JFW industries was used. In the following figure the Air4G-WL24G Base Station with the attenuators installed is illustrated.   Since the BS acquired is supporting ...
Created on 16 October 2013
17. WiMAX testbed
The setup NITOS testbed is currently using is a fixed setup (employing no mobility between BSs) that does not require an ASN-GW installation. The overall topology is summarized in the following picture. ...
Created on 16 October 2013
18. NITOS Wireless Sensor Platform
... device as well as the installation of it on a bicycle.     ...
Created on 03 October 2013
19. Tutorial on using NITOS
... during your reservation. The first way is to install the OMF Experiment Controller locally at your PC and configure it appropriately and the second way is to issue OMF commands when logged in the server ...
Created on 30 August 2013
20. Migration steps from omf 5.3 to omf 5.4
  We have recently switched to OMF 5.4 as our default installation. Meaning that from now on 'omf' command will call omf-5.4 instead of omf-5.3. If a user still wants to use OMF-5.3, he can do ...
Created on 26 September 2012