Wednesday, July 24, 2024


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Enabling mobile sensing through a DTN framework based on Arduino hardware

Focusing on a mobile sensing framework at NITOS facility we developed a sophisticated framework with tolerant delay characteristics. The overall framework consists of two main parts, the NITOS mobile sensing device and the Road Side Units (RSUs). The NITOS mobile devices are mounted on vehicles and collect measurements as the vehicles move around in a city. The acquired data are locally stored at the device, until a vehicle is found into the range of any RSU. RSUs are statically deployed gateways that are connected to a backbone network, aiming to provide wireless connection for data forwarding. When a NITOS mobile device, detects the existence of a RSU, attempts to establish a wireless connection, in order to upload the measurements to a speci c Server. The Server stores the transfered data and provides them for further analysis and visualization.


Mobile Sensing Platform


The aforementioned platform features:

  • Teensy 3.0 microcontroller board.
  • 48 MHz CPU (32-bit ARM Cortex-M4).
  • 128K Flash Memory.
  • Programmable through Arduino IDE.
  • Localization through GPS module.
  • Vibration sensor to wake the device and enable sensing.
  • WiFly modules for wireless connectivity.
  • microSD card for logging measurements.
  • Sht11 temperature & humidity sensor.
  • Light intensity photo-resistor sensor.


Network Architecture

Network Architecture


Map Depiction

Users are able to visualize the collected measurements through a web-based graphical interface. The depiction of the uploaded measurements can be done using a variety of Google Maps (see the link below)

Available WiFi

Open and Secured WiFi











The aforementioned framework has been presented at ACM WiNTECH International Workshop on Wireless Network Testbeds, Experimental Evaluation and Characterization in Miami, Florida, September 30th, 2013.

For the submited demo and poster please see the following links.