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41. Integrating FlowVisor access control in a publicly available OpenFlow testbed with slicing support
... a lot of attention in the networking research community, as the ability to control the forwarding plane of a switch through software opens new exciting capabilities for protocol designers. Several network ...
Created on 11 June 2013
42. An Integrated Chassis Manager Card Platform featuring multiple sensor modules
... card and also a custom framework that allows for monitoring and controlling of the nodes' operational mode. In addition, NITOS CM card provides for gathering of various types of sensor measurements, through ...
Created on 11 June 2013
43. Dynamic Frequency Selection through Collaborative Reporting in WLANs
... STA, where AP2 and AP5 are statically assigned Ch. 42, AP3 channel 34 and AP4 Ch.38. These 4 BSSs are used to generate interference conditions of controlled traffic. Moreover, we setup AP1 that runs our ...
Created on 28 May 2013
44. OpenFlow-Wireless Federation with Brazilian Islands
... single virtual LAN, as depicted in Fig. 1(a). The three islands are already federated using the cOntrol and Management Framework, named OMF. The basic building blocks of OMF are the Experiment Controller ...
Created on 04 March 2013
45. OpenFlow extensions for OMF 6
NITLab team released a ruby gem that extends the OMF6 framework for OpenFlow support. This release includes OMF6 Resource Controllers (RCs) related to the OpenFlow technology. The OMF6 framework ...
Created on 14 February 2013
46. Fed4FIRE
... and comprehensive measurement techniques. Tools and services supporting dynamic federated identities, access control, and SLA management will increase the trustworthiness of the federation and its facilities. ...
Created on 17 January 2013
47. Mobile Application
... accordingly and provide the necessary interfaces.   NITLab used the Tinsyduino platform, an arduino based microcontroller, in order to mount a serious of compatible sensors, i.e. humidity, ...
Created on 18 October 2012
48. Control and energy monitoring of electrical appliances
... for further processing. The Power Meter Device features: Arduino Pro Micro microcontroller board. ATMega 32U4 running at 3.3V/8MHz. Programmable through Arduino IDE. ACS712 current sensor ...
Created on 18 October 2012
49. Mobile Node
... it does a specific movement (turn right/left, stop). Alix motherboard features two wireless interfaces (Atheros AR5006). The first is used to control the node while it provides wireless communication ...
Created on 18 October 2012
50. Enabling mobile sensing through a DTN framework based on Arduino hardware
... for further analysis and visualization.     The aforementioned platform features: Teensy 3.0 microcontroller board. 48 MHz CPU (32-bit ARM Cortex-M4). 128K Flash Memory. Programmable ...
Created on 18 October 2012