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21. Achieving Efficient Resource Allocation on Non-RF Isolated Wireless Testbed Deployments
... distribution of wireless bandwidth and prevents user experiments from interfering with each other. Keywords: Wireless Testbed, Management framework Download paper: ictmobilesummit-paper.pdf  ...
Created on 09 January 2014
22. A New Slicing Scheme for Efficient Use of Wireless Testbeds
... framework that exploits testbed utilization by introducing slicing over frequency spectrum. This new framework will allow a more sophisticated way to optimally control and manage network resources of a ...
Created on 09 January 2014
23. A Slicing Scheme for Efficient Use of Testbed’s Resources
... resources. Moreover, as the number of testbed users increases, experimenters needs for more sophisticated allocation of testbed resources are growing. Toward, this direction, we propose a managerial framework ...
Created on 09 January 2014
24. Energy Aware Buffer Aided Cooperative Relay Selection
... framework is implemented to capture the energy consumption of the cellular network nodes. The model maps the RF output power radiated at the antenna elements of each node including relays on the network ...
Created on 19 December 2013
25. Gathering environmental measurements through heterogeneous wireless technologies
... to all the collected measurements from the microcontroller. On the server side, UTH’s Measurements Depiction Framework is used to gather the values of each sampling effort and depict them on a Google ...
Created on 01 December 2013
26. The TREND Experimental Activities on "Green" Communication Networks
Authors: I. Haratcherev, M. Meo, Y. Zhang, Y. Hu, A. Conte, Filip Idzikowski, L.ukasz Budzisz, Fatmeh Ganji, R. Bolla, O. Jaramildo Ortiz, R. Bruschi, A. Cianfrani, L. Chiaraviglio, A. Coiro, R. Gonzales, ...
Created on 23 November 2013
27. NITOS Energy Monitoring Framework: Real time Power Monitoring in Experimental Wireless Network Deployments
... needs to be experimentally investigated through the application of online monitoring solutions. In this work, we propose the innovative NITOS Energy consumption Monitoring Framework (EMF) able to support ...
Created on 23 November 2013
28. ICT 2013 in Vilnius
... a live demonstration of the NITOS Online Monitoring Framework for evaluating and characterizing the power consumption of cognitive platforms. Dimitris Giatsios presented FIBRE research project (poster) ...
Created on 21 November 2013
29. CONTENT Project: Considerations towards a Cloud-based Internetworking Paradigm
... (SDN) framework are fundamentally changing the way we think about network services, multi-domain and multitechnology problems are not sufficiently investigated. These multidomain, end-to-end problems concern ...
Created on 27 October 2013
30. WiMAX testbed
... over the WiMAX BS. The overall framework consists of two parts: The OMF framework controlling and managing the WiMAX clients, via a RC implementation running on the nodes. A dedicated OMF installation ...
Created on 16 October 2013
  NITOS enables Wireless Radio Experimenters to evaluate the Energy Efficiency of proposed protocols, through the NITOS Energy Consumption Monitoring Framework. More details about NITOS EMF ...
Created on 08 October 2013
32. Mobicom 2013 in Miami
... Monitoring Framework (NITOS EMF) in WiNTECH workshop and also a live demonstration of the developed framework in the Demonstration Session. Our work was awarded with the Best Paper Award. Moreover, Stratos ...
Created on 08 October 2013
33. NITOS Wireless Sensor Platform
... all the Arduino-like sensors. NITOS BIKESNET MOBILE SENSING DEVICE         NITOS BikesNet is a remotely controlled city-scale mobile sensing framework based on the bicycles of volunteer users. ...
Created on 03 October 2013
34. NITOS Open Day
NITlab organized the “NITOS Open Day”, a two days workshop in the University of Thessaly premises. Several presentations where made regarding descriptions of the frameworks and the hardware equipment ...
Created on 22 September 2013
35. Demo: Online Evaluation of Sensing Characteristics for Radio Platforms in the CREW Federated Testbed
Authors: Virgilios Passas, Kostas Chounos, Stratos Keranidis, Wei Liu, Lieven Hollevoet, Thanasis Korakis, Iordanis Koutsopoulos, Ingrid Moerman, Leandros Tassiulas Conference: MobiCom 2013, Miami, Florida, ...
Created on 04 September 2013
36. Demo: Online Energy Consumption Monitoring of Wireless Testbed Infrastructure through the NITOS EMF Framework
... should be experimentally investigated, using online energy monitoring solutions. In this work, we present the innovative NITOS Energy consumption Monitoring Framework (EMF) and demonstrate how online and ...
Created on 04 September 2013
37. Online Energy Consumption Monitoring of Wireless Testbed Infrastructure through the NITOS EMF Framework
... investigated through the application of online monitoring solutions. In this work, we propose the innovative NITOS Energy consumption Monitoring Framework (EMF) able to support online monitoring of energy ...
Created on 03 September 2013
38. Enabling Mobile Sensing through a DTN Framework
... o ers), can be provided through such a framework. In this paper we present the NITOS mobile framework for data collection, that exploits vehicles moving around in a city. The proposed framework ...
Created on 03 September 2013
39. FUNEMs 2013 in Lisbon
NITlab member Stratos Keranidis attended FUNEMs 2013 in Lisbon, Portugal, between 3-5 July 2013. Stratos Keranidis presented NITOS Energy Measurement Frameworks (NITOS EMF) in the Future Wired and ...
Created on 22 July 2013
40. NITOS Wireless Testbed - Network Implementation Testbed Laboratory-old
... based on commercial Wifi cards and Linux open source drivers. The control and management of the tesbed is done using the cOntrol and Management Framework (OMF) open-source software. NITOS testbed is deployed ...
Created on 01 July 2013