XIFI will pave the way for the establishment of a common European market for large-scale trials for Future Internet and Smart Cities through the creation of a sustainable pan-European federation of Future Internet test infrastructures. The XIFI open federation will leverage existing public investments in advanced infrastructures and support advanced large-scale deployment of FI-PPP early trials across a multiplicity of heterogeneous environments and sector use cases that should be sustained beyond the FI-PPP programme.
Project’s website: https://www.fi-xifi.eu
The University of Thessaly (UTH) is participating in the XiFi consortium with the NITOS Cloud Infrastructure. NITOS stands for Network Implementation Testbed using Open Source platforms and components of it have been built throughout several EU-FP7 projects addressing the objectives set by the Future Internet Research and Experimentation initiative. NITOS testbed infrastructure is consisting of several heterogeneous networking technologies, used for the experimental evaluation of novel protocols and ideas under real world settings.Read more here