Wednesday, July 24, 2024


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NITOS Weekly Seminar

Starting next week on Wednesday 21/01/15 at 12:00 p.m., NITlab will be giving weekly seminars at the meeting room. Every week each one of the NITlab members will presenting a specific topic related to his research work in progress. A detailed schedule of the seminar timeline will appear on this site soon.

Date 28/01/15

This week Giannis Kazdaridis will give a presentation with title "Energy monitoring frameworks & energy harvesting in sensor networks"

Presentation Abstract:

The presentation will be divided into two sections: In the first one, basic principles of the design and implementation of energy monitoring devices will be presented. Τhe work in [1] regarding the implementation of a scalable power observation tool that enables in situ measurement of nodal power and energy will be discussed in detail. Driven by the aforementioned work, several methods to overcome the shortcomings of our previous work in [2] will be analyzed. In the second part, energy harvesting sensors that exploit the thermoelectric effect to convert temperature difference to voltage in order to power itself will be presented [3].

Presentation: link

Presenter Bio:

Giannis Kazdaridis obtained his Bachelor and Master degree from University of Thessaly in the department of Computer & Communications Engineering. Since December of 2010, he is working as Research Associate in the Centre for Research & Technology Hellas (CERTH) and he is member of NITlab team, participating in several European research projects related to wireless networks experimentation as well as the development & provisioning of wireless testbeds. His research interests are in the field of wireless networks with emphasis in the Wireless Sensor Networks and Access Layer Protocols.

Date 21/01/15

This week Ilias Syrigos will present his recent work with title "Enabling Wireless LAN Troubleshooting", which has been accepted for presentation in the Passive and Active Measurement Conference of 2015.

Presentation Abstract:

Particular WLAN pathologies experienced in realistic scenarios are hard to detect, due to the complex nature of the wireless medium. Prior work has employed sophisticated equipment, driver modifications, or even application-layer techniques, towards diagnosing such pathologies. The key novelty of our approach lies in the identification of metrics able to characterize the root causes of individual pathologies, while also being directly extractable from MAC-layer statistics available in today's wireless equipment. Through the development of the proposed framework as application-layer software on top of commercial hardware and its experimental evaluation, we validate the efficiency and applicability  of our approach.

Presentation: link

Presenter Bio:

Ilias Syrigos has been a NITlab member since 2011 and recently graduated from the University of Thessaly MSc program. His research interests focus on detection of Wireless Network Pathologies.