Wednesday, July 24, 2024


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Mobicom 2013 in Miami

NITlab members Stratos Keranidis and Giannis Kazdaridis attended MobiCom and WiNTECH 2013 in Miami, Florida, USA, between Sept. 30 and Oct. 4 2013.

Stratos Keranidis presented NITOS Energy Consumption Monitoring Framework (NITOS EMF) in WiNTECH workshop and also a live demonstration of the developed framework in the Demonstration Session. Our work was awarded with the Best Paper Award. Moreover, Stratos Keranidis presented a live demonstration of our work with title "Online Evaluation of Sensing Characteristics for Radio Platforms in the CREW Testbed", in the Demonstration Sessions of MobiCom 2013.

Giannis Kazdaridis presented a live demonstration with title "Enabling Mobile Sensing through a DTN Framework", in the Demonstration Session of WiNTECH 2013.