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41. Outdoor Nodes
... monitor Icarus node's operation we use NITlab's Chassis Manager Card (CM card). A tiny web server is running on the CM card and serves http requests, such as power on/off and reset commands. Further more, ...
Created on 06 October 2011
42. NITOS Facility Architecture
... for the indoor and the outdoor. Two Gigabit Ethernet switches interconnect the nodes with the server of each testbed. At first, the Control Network that provide for control of experiment execution and ...
Created on 06 October 2011
43. Capture Effect OMF/OML experiment
(OMF Tutorials)
... measurements of the 'UDP_Rich_Info' 110 mp.project(:oml_ts_server, :ID, :Bandwidth).each do |sample| 111 112 time, id, bw = sample.tuple 113 114 115 data[stations[id]]=[] ...
Created on 03 October 2011
44. Streaming video with OMF
(OMF Tutorials)
1. Experiment setup In this scenario we use two Orbit nodes which are equipped with a web-camera and stream captured Motion-JPEG video to NITOS server. Zoneminder (a famous surveillance software) is ...
Created on 03 October 2011
45. OMF Nitos & Planetlab Federation
...  # uri to the oml server to use for this ec # (can be overwritten on the ec command line) :omluri: 'tcp:' # this is the url where ec can contact the inventory service :inventory: ...
Created on 06 September 2011
46. Putty paswordless login
In this tutorial we will show how to achieve passwordless login to console server through Putty. Open the PuttyGen for creating your private/public keys. Select SSH-2 RSA type of key and click Generate.  ...
Created on 30 June 2011
47. Ath9K Driver
... version of ath9k driver under headers on ubuntu_nitos_commell_ath9k_enabled.ndz file. Those binaries can be found under  /var/lib/omf-images-5.3 directory in NITOS console server and can be ...
Created on 11 June 2011
48. Experiment 3 - Wlanconfig Wrapper
(OMF Tutorials)
... "ID of a node") defProperty('mode1', "adhoc", "wifi mode for 1st node") defProperty('wifi', "g", "wifi type to use") defProperty('channel', "3", "wifi channel to use") defGroup('Observers', property.node) ...
Created on 24 May 2011
49. Server migration
Update: Server migration completed! New features of reboot server are available. Please read the tutorial for more information.   Due to Console server migration the services of NITOS will be ...
Created on 11 April 2011
50. Setup Samba Client
... the text editor of your choice, create a file with your remote servers logon credential. Replace the with the local username. The following will open up the GEdit application: sudo gedit /home/username/.smbcredentials Place ...
Created on 10 January 2011