FIESTA-IoT provides a Blueprint Experimental Infrastructure for Heterogeneous IoT Technologies
FIESTA-IoT is providing a meta-testbed IoT/cloud infrastructure to enable the submission of experiments over the interconnected/interoperable underlying testbeds. Hence, researchers and engineers will utilise a single entry point to all FIESTA-IoT EaaS services using a single set of credentials. They will be able to design and execute experiments across a virtualised infrastructure i.e. access the data and resources from multiple testbeds and IoT platforms using a common approach. FIESTA-IoT offers tools i) to design and execute experimental workflows, ii) dynamically discover IoT resources, and iii) access data in a testbed agnostic manner.
FIESTA-IoT provides IoT Experiment as a Service atop a middleware infrastructure that adapts and federates existing IoT platforms and testbeds. This entails the adaptation of the data of those testbeds to a common FIESTA-IoT ontology (i.e. compliance to common semantics), as well as the provision of a common standards based API for accessing the IoT services of the testbeds.

Project lifetime: 02/2015 to 01/2018, University of Thessaly is participating as an Open Caller
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