The NITlab team attended ICT 2015, in Lisbon, Portugal, 20-22 October 2015, where we presented the progress of FLEX and SmartFIRE projects, in the corresponding exhibition booths.
In the FLEX booth, we presented two demos in the context of the project, the "An OpenFlow based framework for seamless Inter-RAN Handoffs" and the "Operating LTE in the unlicenced band using OpenAirInterface".

An OpenFlow based framework for seamless Inter-RAN Handoffs

Operating LTE in the unlicenced band using OpenAirInterface
Photos from the FLEX booth:
NITlab participated also in SmartFIRE booth, where the progress of the SmartFIRE research project was presented, along with a demo "Content-based Video Communications with c-Flow (ICN-OMF) and Backpressure Routing over the Wireless Access Network".

Content-based Video Communications with c-Flow (ICN-OMF) and Backpressure Routing over the Wireless Access Network
Photos from the SmartFIRE booth here: